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PLATO Learning, Inc., a leading provider of K-adult computer-based and e-learning solutions, recently announced an agreement with Naugatuck Valley Community College (NVCC) to provide Academic Systems Algebra-a full-course developmental mathematics solution for the college market. The three-course series offers students at the Waterbury, Conn., college enhanced opportunities to understand, master, ...
2007-09-12 08:59:54
MetaMetrics Inc. continues to grow its family of scientifically based measures of student achievement with the launch of The Lexile Framework for Writing. Joining the widely adopted Lexile Framework for Reading and The Quantile Framework for Mathematics, The Lexile Framework for Writing enables educators to measure and monitor growth in student writing ability on a common, developmental scale ...
2007-09-12 11:15:04
In yacht racing, a one percent difference in boat resistance leads to a gain or loss of more than 30 seconds in a match race. Computational fluid dynamics research done by the winning Swiss Alinghi America's Cup syndicate led to gains of 2-5 percent in drag reduction .
2007-09-12 11:18:23
WASHINGTON TWP. | A worried murmur and timid looks washed over a group of parents when fourth-grade math teacher Jeff Heagele asked them to solve some of the problems their children do.
2007-09-12 09:46:29
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