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Wall Street Journal - ... when Britain's Advertising Standards Authority said Ryanair was incorrectly claiming that its flights were faster and cheaper than the Eurostar train for traveling between London and Brussels, he sent the frowning officials a copy of "Mathematics for ...
2007-09-14 08:25:00
Boston Globe - And one of our schools, the Russell Elementary, is the only school in the state that moved from 'corrective action' status to 'good standing,' based on its tremendous two-year gains in both English language arts and mathematics." Albert Taylor ...
2007-09-14 07:56:00
Shirley Cole-Harding once had a student who got physically sick on the eve of a test in statistics. The reason? Her student said she once had an elementary mathematics teacher who made fun of her for being a girl who was bad at math.
2007-09-14 09:52:39
?This is not the first time that Hardy had received letters from strangers. For all its remoteness from the ordinary world, pure mathematics holds a mysterious attraction for cranks of all stripes.?
2007-09-14 10:03:04
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