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Observer Today - Smith earned his Bachelor of Science in math and science from of Gannon University in 1971 and earned his Master of Science Degree in mathematics from Fredonia State University in 1975. During his tenure at BCS, Smith taught Course I, II and III ...
2007-09-23 08:42:00
National - B. in mathematics from Princeton University and his Ph. D. in economics from the University of California at Berkeley. Editorial Column 1 Letters Journey to Paradise Bottom Line The ...
2007-09-23 10:58:00
Asheville Citizen-Times - ... is still struggling to make it off first base … especially on my desk, where the poor paper clips never see the light of day. Corey McClintock lives in Black Mountain and currently attends the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics in ...
2007-09-23 09:54:00
DAWN Group - LARKANA, Sept 23: Publication of two mathematics textbooks for class IX and X by the Sindh Text Book Board against the backdrop of composite examinations idea floated by the federal education minister and opposed by the Sindh government have caused ...
2007-09-23 09:25:00
Students gathered Thursday outside the Hill Center for Mathematical Sciences on Busch campus to protest research that they decried as racist, paranoid and undemocratic. The protest was directed at the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science who, along with three other schools, are conducting research to develop software in a joint project with the Department of ...
2007-09-23 08:16:47
Every parent wants to have bright kids. However, the education of geniuses may generate considerable difficulties. In late August this year, Hong Kong Baptist University admitted a 9-year-old genius, March Tian Boedihardjo, to study mathematics.
2007-09-23 11:59:02
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