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CNW Group - One area of little progress is within the fields of mathematics and applied science, which research suggests as one of the factors keeping women out of a number of well-paying jobs. When one looks at all levels of educational attainment and fields ...
2007-09-27 11:44:00
New York Sun - NAEP measures the scores in both reading and mathematics for the fourth and eighth grades. These scores are released on a state-bystate basis, so it is clear to see how each state is doing, not just against itself over time, but in comparison to the ...
2007-09-27 09:56:00
Temple Daily Telegram - I was surprised at how much I played my first year,” said Long, a mathematics major. “Coming in as a freshman, I thought maybe I could make the varsity. But I didn’t think I was going to start. Then there was an injury, and they moved me up.” ...
2007-09-27 10:47:00
Lansing State Journal - and my grammer skills never needed them I am a computer programmer so i could care less of my grammer skills computer science and mathematics makes well more money that any grammer jobs that i know of anyways the red looks really nice. Reader Comment ...
2007-09-27 10:47:00
Rocky Mountain News - Pros: This densely written volume will delight those who love mathematics. It's littered with formulas and theories. Leavitt also has a nice touch for getting under the skin of people, whether it is Hardy's bedridden mother, his spinster sister or his ...
2007-09-27 11:08:00
Daily Progress - ... in Buckingham County was also accredited with warning, while the other county schools received accreditation. Accreditation is based on a school reaching required overall passing rates in four core content areas - English (75 percent), mathematics (70 ...
2007-09-27 11:22:00
Dayton Daily News - ... schools joined about 200 people at Wittenberg University's Bayley Auditorium, to learn about Future Jobs, a project that would, in cooperation with local high-tech businesses, create curriculum mapping science, technology, engineering and mathematics ...
2007-09-27 11:44:00
Nashville Tennessean - I was amazed and concerned when I read of our new mayor’s town meeting in the paper this morning. Of particular concern was the comment from Linda Woodruff, a mathematics professor at TSU. Ms. Woodruff was concerned “that high school students ...
2007-09-27 11:58:00
Nashville Tennessean - Of particular concern was the comment from Linda Woodruff, a mathematics professor at TSU. Ms. Woodruff was concerned "that high school students were coming to her without fundamental math skills they should have learned in high school." Does the ...
2007-09-27 11:58:00
Wall Street Journal - Presidential candidate John Edwards has long been one of the top money-raisers at Democratic fund-raising site But, for a short time recently, he was almost surpassed by Daniel Biss, a 30-year-old mathematics professor running for the ...
2007-09-27 08:59:00
Boston Globe - Joyce was very concerned that African-Americans weren't getting educated in the areas where they should be, mathematics and science and English. That's where I'm going. I'm going to spend the last years of my life very involved in those things." He ...
2007-09-27 11:30:00
Newsday - The mathematics were daunting. When the Yankees fell to 38-41 on July 1, they trailed wild-card leader Detroit by 8 1/2 games. But they went 54-26 in their next 80 games. As Derek Jeter often says, "that's why you play the games." They're not played ...
2007-09-27 11:51:00
Bloomberg - In the U.S., the economics of ethanol don't make sense either, says Michael McElroy, a Harvard mathematics professor who published a 2006 study on the economics of ethanol. U.S. farmers can't make enough ethanol to meet Bush's goals because ...
2007-09-27 11:58:00
Math teachers and manufacturers are among those who will make a connection next month, as South Sound career and technical programs focus on making connections between mathematics and the world of work.
2007-09-27 11:11:26
The depth of California's educational crisis was demonstrated -- for the umpteenth time -- this week when national test results on reading and mathematics skills of fourth- and eighth-graders showed California scraping bottom in state-to-state rankings.
2007-09-28 12:10:38
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