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Chicago Tribune - Psychologists have long debated whether personalities can be reduced to mathematics and whether the power of situations -- a company's culture, a work group's expectations -- is a bigger factor in determining how people will behave than their ...
2008-01-14 04:50:00
Chicago Tribune - Taleb noted that during Germany's economic crisis in the 1920s, the mark went from three per each American dollar to more than 4.2 trillion per dollar, a slope considered impossible by Gauss' mathematics. "We're doomed by the exceptions," he said. It ...
2008-01-14 05:04:00
On a recent visit to Japan, I quickly realized Japan's new obsession with India. It is definitely not about curry, the Taj Mahal or Bollywood. It is about India’s educational system especially the way mathematics and calculations are taught at Indian schools.
2008-01-14 12:04:46
WARE - High School junior Danielle J. LaValley saw positive results in a fierce competition on Friday as Ware Middle School fifth- and sixth-graders locked brains in a series of mathematics contests.
2008-01-14 12:39:09
RUTGERS — ENDRE SZEMEREDI, who is a professor at Rutgers University and the Alfred Renyi Institute in Budapest, received the 2008 American Mathematical Society Leroy P. Steele Prize on Jan. 7 at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Diego, Calif.
2008-01-14 01:18:34
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