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Fort Worth Star-Telegram - On Nov. 16, the state board narrowly rejected a third-grade mathematics textbook that conformed to standards. Rules governing textbook adoption require the board to accept textbooks by putting them in two lists: those that are accepted and conform to ...
2008-01-19 03:18:00
Olympian - The latest draft of the state's new math standards for kindergartners through 12th-graders will go online Monday on the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction's Web site. The new standards could influence textbooks and the Washington ...
2008-01-19 12:26:00
New York Times - There may be only three human activities in which miraculous accomplishment is possible before adulthood: mathematics, music and chess. These are abstract, almost invented realms, closed systems bounded by rules of custom or principle. Here, the ...
2008-01-19 05:12:00
PLATTSBURGH -- Gov. Eliot Spitzer has appointed Karen Edwards of Malone to the Plattsburgh State College Council. Edwards, who is a full professor and former division head of the mathematics program at Paul Smith's College, will join nine others on the council.
2008-01-19 02:59:00
Stephanie Pace Marshall, the founding president of the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy in Aurora, is known internationally in academic circles as a pioneer and innovative leader, as an inspiring speaker and writer. And now an oil portrait in her honor hangs in the place where she is probably most admired.
2008-01-19 02:22:58
TIFFIN -- Dan K. Bell, associate professor of mathematics at Tiffin University, will present the program "Images of Mathematicians in the Movies and the Media" at the next Arts & Angles program at the college.
2008-01-19 05:43:20
The latest draft of the state's new math standards for kindergartners through 12th-graders will go online Monday on the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction's Web site.
2008-01-19 12:50:38
Dallas Morning News - The six board members who voted against rejecting the third-grade edition of Texas Everyday Mathematics in November drafted a report that said the board failed to follow the law by rejecting a book that met all state requirements ...
2008-01-17 03:59:00
BusinessWeek - DayJet, which began service in October, exploits advances in aviation, computer technology, and some sophisticated mathematics to offer a new kind of air service. It flies tiny three-passenger Eclipse 500 jets, part of a novel breed of light, ultra ...
2008-01-15 03:54:00
Salon - If you are smart, and you apparently are, you will absorb information rapidly with remarkable retention; you will find yourself gorging on the world and its information; it will feel to you as though no problem is too complex; mathematics and science ...
2008-01-17 03:59:00
Down Town News - It's a weird, wooly interpretation of the reef, playing with mathematics and marine biology, conservation awareness, and collective art practice and feminism (many women the world over are knitting on this baby). It has been exhibited at the Los ...
2008-01-18 05:02:00
Warren Tribune Chronicle - High School principal Bill Ryser said the career fair is part of the district’s emphasis on science, technology, engineering and mathematics, otherwise known as STEM curriculum. ‘‘STEM is part of our way of thinking of every aspect of the ...
2008-01-18 06:50:00
Prince Edward Island Guardian - MORELL – Hard work over the past two years by educators at Morell High School appears to have paid off if the results of provincial Grade 9 intermediate mathematics assessments released last week are any indication. Unlike the Grade 3 literary ...
2008-01-18 08:30:00
Norman Transcript - For secondary sites, dropout and graduation rates also are factored in, as well as ACT scores and participation, Advanced Placement credit and college remediation rates in reading and mathematics. "I often share that teachers don't become teachers ...
2008-01-18 08:30:00
Enid News & Eagle - Published: January 19, 2008 01:07 am Drummond wins humanities meet By Anita Hughes, Drummond correspondent By Anita Hughes, Drummond correspondent School The Freshmen Mathematics and Humanities Tournaments were ...
2008-01-18 09:34:00
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