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Jamaica Gleaner - They may visit the following recruiting centres at 7:30 a.m. on the dates indicated below, where they will be required to sit an oral and written examination in reading, mathematics, English language and general knowledge: Saturday, February 2 ...
2008-01-26 11:41:00
Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel - Still, to me, sewing is right up there with mathematics and ballet; there's probably as much magic involved as skill. So when some new sewing helpers — the My Label 3D Fashion Pattern Software and the S.E.W. Sew Everything Workshop book — came ...
2008-01-27 12:31:00
Battle Creek Enquirer - We are fortunate that our community has facilities such as the Calhoun Area Career Center and Battle Creek Area Mathematics and Science Center which work with area employers and groups such as the American Association of University Women to encourage ...
2008-01-27 01:21:00
Bismarck Tribune - No. 1 in the percentage of eighth-graders who can perform basic mathematics; No. 2 for students who go from high school into college; No. 1 in two-year degrees produced per 100 students. As State Superintendent of Public Instruction Wayne Sanstead ...
2008-01-27 01:57:00
MENAFN - The second product, 3DVeeDee (which means "I see in 3D" in Latin), contains 18 3D images covering a broad range of topics, including education (the human body, solar system, alphabet, mathematics, physics, chemistry, medicine), tourism (Dubai, Egypt ...
2008-01-27 03:08:00
Northwest Arkansas News - The term “e-STEM” is an acronym for economics of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The Arkansas Gazette building is owned by Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc., a corporate subsidiary of WEHCO Media Inc., whose president and chief ...
2008-01-27 04:20:00
Boston Globe - We would all applaud that, the maintenance and enrichment of the knowledge of Plato and Aristotle, the science of the academy of Athens, the Hindu [mathematics]. In the negative sense, Islam also becomes the template against which Europe compares ...
2008-01-26 10:08:00
Baltimore Sun - The program will highlight the elementary G/T program offerings. About 150 children, grades one to five, will talk about and display their projects in oceanography, ancient civilizations, archaeology, creative writing, mathematics, technology and ...
2008-01-26 11:19:00
Daily Telegraph - There are many projects that pass unnoticed, when they deserve a mention because they reassure us that science does not hold all the answers: we can work out plenty of things for ourselves without the help of mathematics, fancy experiments or ...
2008-01-27 03:01:00
Baltimore Sun - Students will cover several topics including oceanography, ancient civilizations, archaeology, creative writing, mathematics and technology. They will share work done in conjunction with NASA, the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore and the Baltimore Museum of ...
2008-01-27 02:25:00
Education Notebook Elementary school students in the county's Gifted and Talented Program will showcase some of the more advanced curriculum offered in the system Tuesday night at Veterans Elementary School.
2008-01-27 12:41:16
Ohio will pay nearly $6.9 million in bonuses this year to public-school teachers who have earned national board certification, which is considered the profession's highest credential.
2008-01-27 01:47:46
Ellicott City/Elkridge Briefs The Howard County Public School System's Gifted and Talented Education Program will present a countywide showcase of creative productions by students from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Veterans Elementary School, 4355 Montgomery Road, Ellicott City.
2008-01-27 05:38:20
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