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Nigeria Guardian - Mathematics, English, Primary Science and Social Studies. To assess the effect of the re-training, which was the first of its kind in as many years, The Guardian went round to ask the teachers some questions. At Abeokuta Grammar School in Ogun State ...
2008-01-02 09:17:00
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - They say the reason for that comes down to psychology, strategy and simple mathematics. "If I'm wrestling you, and I get the first takedown, I'm up 2-0 in the first period," Elizabeth Forward coach Rich Scheuermann said. "If I can ride you out for the ...
2008-01-02 08:56:00
Providence Business News - To meet annual requirements, schools must hit 37 targets based on state assessments in mathematics and reading, as well as attendance or graduation rates. Schools must meet school-wide targets, but eight student groups – Asian, Black, Hispanic ...
2008-01-02 09:03:00
Middletown Journal - A former business and mathematics teacher and a onetime football coach, Kodros had been with the school for about eight years, Mulligan said. "He was just an all-around very positive, wonderful person," she said. "Students universally liked and ...
2008-01-02 10:36:00
St. Petersburg Times - Debbye Warrell, media specialist at Challenger K8 School of Science and Mathematics, was named Hernando County 2006-2007 Teacher of the Year. - Calder Simmons, 20, a 2005 graduate of Springstead High School, opened his own Subway restaurant. ...
2008-01-02 09:10:00
Bishop Fenwick High School students today will celebrate the life of a guidance counselor who "was a positive influence in their lives," said Principal Cathie Mulligan.
2008-01-02 11:07:38
Adam Spencer and Dr Karl Kruszelnicki (pictured) are well qualified to host this new science program. Spencer holds an honours degree in pure mathematics and hosted the ABC’s Quantum.
2008-01-02 11:22:48
Female students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will visit Billings-area schools the week of Jan. 7-11 to promote engineering and mathematics careers. The MIT Women's Initiative encourages girls in middle school and high school to take upper-level math and science courses and challenge common engineering career stereotypes.
2008-01-02 11:21:38
The Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM) today announced "Mathematics and Voting" as the theme for Mathematics Awareness Month 2008. Mathematics Awareness Month, held each year in April, was created to increase public understanding of and appreciation for mathematics. At, you can view and/or download these articles and essays, as well as a copy of the 2008 poster, "What ...
2008-01-03 12:11:25
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