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Encouraging data shows that the Gilroy Unified School District bucks a rather stereotypical trend: boys significantly outperforming their female counterparts in mathematics.
2008-03-07 03:53:13
News that a PGA golf tournament might be headed to Morgan Hill, while a bit premature, is certainly cause for celebration, not least for John Fry, electronics retailing tycoon and benefactor of the American Institute of Mathematics, which would host the event.
2008-03-07 05:37:49
Annette Burden, an associate professor of mathematics, has been named the new interim director of distance learning.
2008-03-07 05:43:33
The connection between mathematics and music is often touted in awed, mysterious tones, but it is grounded in hard-headed science. For example, mathematical principles underlie the organization of Western music into 12-note scales.
2008-03-07 01:11:27
Taipei Times - It marks the intersection of the Wertheims' various passions: science, mathematics, art, feminism, handicrafts and social activism. For that reason the project has attracted a wide range of participants, including the Harlem Knitting Circle (which ...
2008-03-05 09:33:00
WKYT 27 - But Williams claims the current test is not preparing children for college. “What is irrefutable is that over 60% going to KCTCS are not ready for college level work in mathematics.
2008-03-05 02:12:00
Stockhouse Canada - Nigel is a graduate of the University of Windsor, holding a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics. 'We are extremely pleased to welcome Nigel to our Board,' said Steven Lamb, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
2008-03-06 01:49:00
Age - Those raw figures invite some simple mathematics. If farmers are paid 40 cents a litre, why do consumers pay about four and possibly five times that price for a litre of milk?
2008-03-07 05:06:00
China Post - The mathematics of the Democrats' delegate selection process makes it almost certain that the Clinton-Obama struggle can only be resolved by the superdelegates who are free to vote their personal political interests at the National Convention.
2008-03-06 06:36:00
Fallbrook Bonsal Village News - It offers a curriculum that provides opportunities to learn by being involved in developmentally appropriate materials in language arts, mathematics and physical development.
2008-03-06 01:06:00
Delaware Online - Statewide mathematics testing was being conducted at the school Wednesday. However, the computer bomb threat did not interfere with the testing, Christina School District spokeswoman Wendy Lapham said.
2008-03-06 01:06:00
All Headline News - ... bookcases are named after occupations, chairs and desks after men, curtains after women, beddings from words related to sleep, comfort and cuddling, children's things from mammals and bird and curtain accessories from words coming from mathematics ...
2008-03-06 10:00:00
NZ Catholic - As part of their years 7 and 8 science programmes, students will undertake a series of lessons that will challenge their concepts of science and mathematics and present them with problems they are unable to solve using their current mental strategies
2008-03-06 11:55:00
Californian - Robert Barminski (Geology), James Beck (English as Second Language), Lindsey Bertomen (Administration of Justice), Leticia Contreras (Mathematics), LaVerne Cook (Counseling), Alejandra Gutierrez (English as Second Language), Jeffery Hughey (Biology ...
2008-03-05 03:59:00
Wall Street Journal - In 2006, the editorial board of the venerable mathematics journal Topology resigned en masse over the high subscription price charged by publisher Elsevier, a dominant player in the industry.
2008-03-06 08:44:00
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