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A brain-teasing exploration of computational wonders and knotty problems -- from the clock at Strasbourg Cathedral to the mathematics of armed conflict.
2008-04-11 07:52:33
Ashland, VA - Randolph-Macon College has received an estate gift of $2 million to support its mathematics and science program. The gift was given by the late Muscoe Garnett '30 and his wife, Dorothy, of Suffolk, Virginia.
2008-04-10 02:58:24
Synthetic biology will be the focus of two presentations today at Missouri Western State University. “BioMath Connections,” a seminar exploring how biology and mathematics intersect, will host John Cumbers of Brown University for the talks, which are free and open to the public.
2008-04-10 10:05:31
The Richmond Area Program for Minorities in Engineering is accepting applications for its 2008 Summer Engineering Institute. The institute is open to minority middle and high school students in the Richmond-Petersburg area who are interested in engineering as a career and are academically talented, especially in mathematics and science.
2008-04-10 02:40:56
Three N.C. School of Science and Mathematics seniors were honored at the school on Thursday as one of 24 winning teams from a total of six regions -- out of 4,527 entries and 14,042 participants -- in this year's Toshiba/National Science Teachers Association ExploraVision program.
2008-04-10 09:54:34
Hal Gill owns a mathematics degree from Providence College, so he's a bit overqualified to evaluate the numbers that will be in play at Mellon Arena tonight. ...
2008-04-10 09:37:13
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