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Cincinnati Bell Inc. (NYSE: CBB) today announced that it has named Brian Ross as the company's chief operating officer (COO) and Gary Wojtaszek as its new chief financial officer (CFO). Ross previously held the position of CFO for Cincinnati Bell ...
2008-07-10 01:17:00
‘Viewpoints on the Banana Tree Crisis’, a dialogue on the Gratiaen Prize and State Literary Award-winning collection of short stories by Isankya Kodithuwakku will be held at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, July 15 at the auditorium of the Sri Lanka Institute ...
2008-07-12 11:13:00
MANY schools and community organisations have introduced summer camps aimed at engaging children, who are spending their vacations in Qatar, productively. The Indian Cultural Centre (ICC) has been running its fourth summer camp at the DPS-MIS ...
2008-07-12 03:09:00
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has allowed more democratic space than previous leaders but some want Umno to go back to its old firm ways. THERE were three reactions when Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said he was quitting as Prime Minister and ...
2008-07-12 05:54:00
Free brochure on the occasion of the German “Year of Mathematics” / FIZ Karlsruhe presents its information services in mathematics at the 5th European Congress of Mathematics in Amsterdam / ZMATH, the world’s largest searchable mathematics ...
2008-07-09 05:58:00
KINGSFORD - During the week of June 30 July 3 area Kindergartners attended Summer Science Camp to find out "What's The Buzz?" at Bee Camp instructed by Anne Heino. The students learned about bees, honey, flowers, and how they are all connected as ...
2008-07-12 04:47:00
CALGARY -- The chute opened and seconds later a cowboy named Tyler Pankewitz was tossed to the ground and stomped on by a bull. Paramedics ran in, carrying a yellow stretcher, while thousands of spectators - those who hadn't been driven away by the ...
2008-07-11 11:46:00
Nearly a month after the slaying of Beau Zabel, the young Minnesota man who moved to Philadelphia to work as a teacher, detectives continue tracking new leads and insist that the hunt for his killer is far from stalled. This week's announcement of an ...
2008-07-11 11:39:00
Seymour Papert constructed a mobile as part of his neurotherapy at his house in Blue Hill, Maine. The former MIT mathematics professor suffered massive brain trauma when he was struck by a motorbike. (Fred Field for The Boston Globe) BLUE HILL, Maine ...
2008-07-12 05:44:00
A federal inquiry into national numeracy standards has criticised the national benchmarks for mathematics.
2008-07-11 07:03:14
The Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) Science Academy prepares students to excel in math, science and computer classes.
2008-07-12 12:42:18
The Cambridge mission is to deliver its members the recognition and competitive edge needed to network and do business effectively. /Cambridge Who's Who/ - Jersey Shore, PA, July 12, 2008, Karen A. Kinley, Second Grade Teacher for Salladasburg ...
2008-07-11 11:53:00
A federal inquiry into national numeracy standards has criticised the national benchmarks for mathematics. The National Numeracy Review report says the problem is that students are assessed according to minimum standards rather than an adequate ...
2008-07-11 08:18:00
The whining over whether to require all California eighth-graders to take Algebra I within three years obscures the real issue: California needs to improve math education so students are ready to be successful in eighth-grade math. The state's goal ...
2008-07-10 11:54:00
THOUGH many persons cite financial hardship as a possible cause for children doing poorly in school, parents of students who score high on examinations like the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) say poverty is no excuse. Angelete Blake, mother of ...
2008-07-11 10:13:00
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