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NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE -- Whoever observed that it's not the fall that kills you, but rather the landing, obviously was not talking about social slip-ups. For as long as the social non-conformist lands in a position of abject contrition, polite society ...
2008-07-21 11:20:00
Learn your math, young man! There are people in China starving for your job. It's a new twist on an old meme that is drawing serious attention from lawmakers, education administrators and mathematicians who are concerned that Utahns are not prepared ...
2008-07-21 10:58:00
ALMOST WITHOUT exception, policy makers find 1+1 = 2 an easier proposition to understand than 2-1 = 1. Just consider the ease with which earmarks are "sold" in the political marketplace and the difficulty of trying to stay focused on providing high ...
2008-07-21 09:25:00
Learn your math, young man! There are people in China starving for your job.
2008-07-22 12:05:42
Thai students have won another three gold medals in academic olympiad competitions - two in mathematics in Spain and one in chemistry in Hungary.
2008-07-21 08:32:59
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