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•The following local residents were named to the spring dean's list at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va.: Jennifer M. Swift of Horseheads, a sophomore psychology major; Sarah C. White of Horseheads, a senior Spanish major; and Patrick A. Coolidge of ...
2008-07-28 10:50:00
The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) released its annual comprehensive demographic study today, which provides an in-depth look at the enormous impact that public Historically Black Colleges and Universities make in their local, regional ...
2008-07-28 03:26:00
Atlanta, GA, July 29, 2008 --( )-- NewsRx, a 25-year-old publisher and international news organization headquartered in Atlanta, has launched 38 new science titles under its VerticalNews imprint. The new science titles will provide current ...
2008-07-28 11:47:00
Becky Holden says you can never know everything, and that there's always more to learn. She's been teaching in Chattanooga for 31 years. Last school year, one of her colleagues at Battle Academy nominated her for the Presidential Award for Excellence ...
2008-07-28 03:55:00
Kim Heilenbach (left to right), 19, Elisabeth Knierim, 17, Ana Gordillo, 20, and Elizabeth Unzueta, 20, chat during the Golden Apple Summer Institute's closing ceremonies at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy in Aurora. STORY, PAGE 2
2008-07-28 11:54:00
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