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The mathematics in the Oceanside City Council race may boil down to this: 2 against 2 equals 2.
2008-09-28 06:03:26
For Iraqi Kurdish mathematics teacher Mohammed Aziz, two wrongs can make a right.
2008-09-28 03:29:00
For Iraqi Kurdish mathematics teacher Mohammed Aziz, two wrongs can make a right. After decades of forced exile by the Baath party of Saddam Hussein, he is back with a vengeance.
2008-09-28 03:29:31
WE have read the views of many in our dailies recently on the issue of whether the Government should continue with the ETeMS (English Teaching of Maths & Science) policy or otherwise. One would get the impression, from reading the English dailies ...
2008-09-27 07:00:00
SHERRI-ANN Peckham is not your average teenage girl. She's a risk-taker with an unwavering belief in the power of prayer - and those who know her respect that about the 16-year-old. That's why when she boldly decided to sit 12 CXC subjects in the May ...
2008-09-27 09:45:00
George Gheverghese Joseph on the Transmission to Europe of Non-European Mathematics September 26, 2008 Mathematicians in Kerala, southern India, discovered infinite series well before their counterparts in Europe did, George Gheverghese Joseph of ...
2008-09-26 01:46:00
Numbers and statistics are one of the great tools developed by humans and are the foundation of nearly every great advancement in civilization. Mathematics are the foundation of engineering, the sciences, and even art and music. With the right sets ...
2008-09-27 11:11:00
Teaching science to kids is often akin to brushing a dog's teeth. It's not impossible, but it is problematic. Brian Greene, the noted physicist, hopes to make science more user-friendly via his new book, "Icarus at the Edge of Time." A collaboration ...
2008-09-27 08:55:00
SOME 9,573 students in junior high and all-age schools who sat the Grade Nine Achievement Test (GNAT) in the last academic year, had a mean score of just 40.09 per cent in Mathematics and 47.08 in Language Arts, according to the Ministry of Education.
2008-09-27 10:32:28
'The Indian Clerk' is based on two pioneering minds: one Eastern, one Western
2008-09-27 10:21:04
This powerpoint is intended for IB Theory of Knowledge students in year 12/13. What are students' perceptions of mathematics? What is the purpose of mathematics - a mathematician's perspective? How do we justify mathematics? What have student's taken for granted without proof in mathematics?
2008-09-27 10:04:13
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