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Britain's Guardian and Australia's The Age report today that a team led by Edson Smith, a computing resource manager with the UCLA Department of Mathematics, has discovered the largest known prime number, which has nearly 13 million digits. The ...
2008-09-29 04:20:00
Precollegiate Programs is providing the ACT preparation course that will explore all sections of the exam including mathematics, English grammar and usage, reading comprehension and scientific reasoning.
2008-09-29 10:33:52
EXETER and#8212; Juniors at Exeter High School will be taking their New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) tests in reading, writing, and mathematics on Friday, Oct. 3, Wednesday, Oct. 8, and Thursday, Oct. 9. The rest of the school will be on a...
2008-09-30 03:05:54
Its no secret that the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics represent a host of American jobs that go unfilled for a lack of trained, qualified workers.
2008-09-30 02:06:22
coondoggie sends in a Network World post that begins "It sounds like a math phobic's worst nightmare or perhaps Good Will Hunting for the ages. Those wacky folks at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency have put out a research request it calls Mathematical Challenges, that has the mighty goal of 'dramatically revolutionizing mathematics and thereby strengthening DoD's scientific and ...
2008-09-30 05:38:01
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