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Michael Sun, a middle school student from Paramus, spelled his way into the semifinals of the Scripps National Spelling Bee on Wednesday, breezing through words like "savvy" and "sauterelle" during three pressure-packed rounds at the Grand Hyatt in ...
2009-05-28 05:49:00
I was puzzled by the new conduct policy approved by the Des Moines School Board. It stipulates that students will be banned from high school music and drama activities if violations occur at any location or time throughout the entire calendar year ...
2009-05-28 05:35:00
Share STOCKHOLM, May 28, 2009 (AFP) - A 16-year-old Iraqi immigrant living in Sweden has cracked a maths puzzle that has stumped experts for more than 300 years, Swedish media reported Thursday. In just four months, Mohamed Altoumaimi has found a ...
2009-05-28 03:33:00
Mohamed Altoumaimi, who moved with his family to Sweden six years ago, is a first year student at the Falu Frigymnasium high school in Falun in central Sweden. Long interested in mathematics, Altoumaimi has spent the last four months toiling over his ...
2009-05-28 06:39:00
16-year-old Iraqi in Sweden finds formula to explain 17th century Swiss 'Bernoulli numbers'. STOCKHOLM - A 16-year-old Iraqi immigrant living in Sweden has cracked a maths puzzle that has stumped experts for more than 300 years, Swedish media ...
2009-05-28 04:16:00
ALPINE Sul Ross State University announces the following local and surrounding area students graduating during the spring semester. Odessa: Marlin D. Baldwin, MEd, Counseling; Rebecca A. Bilyeu, MEd, School Administration; Thomas K. Franklin, BS ...
2009-05-28 05:42:00
The Austin Peay State University Student Government Association announces officers elected in the recent SGA election for the 2009-10 academic year. Executive board members SGA president: Christopher Drew, senior business accounting and finance major ...
2009-05-28 04:52:00
MENLO PARK, Calif.--( BUSINESS WIRE )--Pacific Biosciences, a private company developing third-generation DNA sequencing technology, today announced that leading genetic scientist Eric E. Schadt, Ph.D. has joined the company as Chief Scientific ...
2009-05-28 06:32:00
Angeli Joyce Yap Dy and Jovani Saso Tomale won special awards in chemistry and mathematics at the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Reno, Nevada, USA. Related posts: Filipino students shine at Intel science fair The Filipino youth has done it again. A team of... 9 students carry RP flag in Intel Fair Nine high school students from across the Philippines were ...
2009-05-28 06:13:42
LOCKPORT -- A former Niagara University mathematics professor pleaded guilty Wednesday in Niagara County Court to having downloaded child pornography onto his university computer.
2009-05-28 06:24:12
The President “ain’t” deaf. Press Secretary Cerge Remonde gave that spin to Ms. Arroyo’s sensible order to Finance Sec. Margarito Teves: scrap taxes, clamped by Bureau of Customs, on imported books and reading material. “Books give light to ...
2009-05-28 02:00:00
C.A. Johnson is earning a reputation as the “‘high-flying” school of the Midlands, and its aviation club is clearing the way for students to embrace careers in engineering and aerospace. The club, in place since last fall and led by C.A ...
2009-05-27 11:23:00
OBERLIN — The Oberlin school board decided to add 45 minutes to the school day and passed a success plan requiring student athletes with less than a 2.5 grade point average to be tutored. Both policies passed unanimously at Tuesday night’s ...
2009-05-28 12:20:00
The study by the University of Western Ontario says that as people from one part of the world mingle with those from the other end of the world, the viruses travelling with them also mingle to create newer, deadlier strains by natural selection. "It ...
2009-05-28 12:27:00
Two teams from Lenihan Intermediate School took part in the state sixth grade math bee held May 1 at Fort Dodge. One of those teams placed seventh overall and included students Nicole Lacina, Stefan Peng, James Talbert and Andrew Walker. The other ...
2009-05-27 10:47:00
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