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THE Education Ministry refers to the letter on the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) from Samuel Padman of Parit Buntar ("Apply ruling from Year One" -- NST, June 2). The ministry has completed studies and discussions with ...
2009-06-28 06:41:00
HIBBING — As students rolled out of classrooms for the summer, good news rolled in at Hibbing High School. The Minnesota Department of Education this month released individual results for schools that participated in the Trends in Mathematics and ...
2009-06-28 05:34:00
University of Colorado student David Swanstrom, left, participates in a discussion during "Reading Comics: An Introduction to Comics as Literature," a class that is among CU's unique summer-school offerings. This summer, 15 visiting professors are ...
2009-06-28 10:35:00
Standard Chartered Bank, or SCB, has emerged as the world’s last major listed emerging markets bank in the past decade. A serial acquirer, Standard Chartered has purchased even trophy franchises as Korea First, Taiwan’s Hsinchu International ...
2009-06-28 02:38:00
MELBOURNE - For most people a big house, fancy car and luxury overseas holidays are little more than pipe dreams, things they will do "one day". But tomorrow's $90 million Oz Lotto jackpot could make those dreams a reality - if you're very, very ...
2009-06-28 10:20:00
Newly confirmed as Supreme Court chief justice, Paul A. Suttell didn’t set out to be Rhode Island’s leading judge. In fact, he didn’t set out to be a high court justice or even a Family Court judge. Suttell simply went for opportunities as they ...
2009-06-28 02:24:00
A new education policy now under preparatory stage with recommendations for many fundamental changes in existing system is going to be finalised by July 10. Co-chairman of the committee Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad told BSS on Sunday that the new ...
2009-06-28 12:22:00
FLORHAM PARK - Life is awaiting 216 graduates of Hanover Park High School. Due to the weather, the Class of 2009, donned in black and white caps and gowns, suffered a sweltering 81 degrees inside the main gymnasium of the high school for the school ...
2009-06-28 01:12:00
A Union Hill student was selected to participate in the UIL Elite 100 Leadership Conference in Austin. Lauren Edwards, who was a sophomore this past school year, attended the conference, held June 14 to 16 in Austin. She is the daughter of Robin ...
2009-06-28 04:29:00
At the time of writing, shares in Emaar Properties are down 10 percent in the first five hours of trading since it announced it would be acquiring Dubai Holdings companies Sama Dubai, Tatweer and Dubai Properties Group. Investors are trying to absorb ...
2009-06-28 05:48:00
These are boom times for home gardening, but as many parents know, it still isn’t easy to get kids interested and involved. One way, experts say, is to teach children how to cook what they help harvest from the family garden. Gardening packs an ...
2009-06-28 07:14:00
Parents and taxpayers need to seriously challenge the decision of the South Whidbey School District’s math curriculum committee to select the Discover Math series of textbooks (published by Key Curriculum Press). These books are nonsense. Experts ...
2009-06-28 09:16:00
Valerie A. Foote of Naperville earned a bachelor of arts degree in English, writing concentration, with a minor in mass media from Tusculum College. • • • Yiqing Liz Dong of Naperville was recently awarded a Jack Kent Cooke Foundation ...
2009-06-28 03:54:00
Third-graders must post a set reading score on the CRCT to be promoted to fourth grade. Eighth-grade CRCT scores in both English and math are examined before the student can proceed to high school. There are appeals processes that can allow students ...
2009-06-28 04:22:00
New Delhi, June 28: Computers may soon become faster, smaller and more powerful as scientists said they have discovered magnetic superatoms which can provide a way to design novel nano-scale structures. A team of researchers, including two from ...
2009-06-28 03:25:00
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