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Poor Tantalus, punished for revealing the secrets of the Greek gods with eternal hunger and thirst. He stood parched in a room waist deep in water, which receded whenever he stooped to take a drink. He starved, never dying, beneath a great tree ...
2009-06-09 06:21:00
HOLYOKE - A high-tech computer research center that Mayor Michael J. Sullivan said will "produce thousands of jobs" in the city will bring the talent of world-class companies like EMC and Cisco Systems and renowned universities such as the ...
2009-06-09 07:25:00
'We do the same thing with athletics here that they do with mathematics and science there.' Thats nice, and I believe it's disgusting how athletics are held here, but the public has made it abundantly clear that's they way they want it. I, for one ...
2009-06-09 04:12:00
NEW YORK, June 9, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Toyota USA Foundation, a charitable endowment supporting K-12 math and science education, today announced $3.3 million in new grants. The latest round of grants is going to 12 organizations from across ...
2009-06-09 12:16:00
How did we get here and where are we headed? These are some of life's biggest questions. To get the answers, one Kansas State University professor is doing the math. Louis Crane, K-State professor of mathematics, is studying new theories about why ...
2009-06-09 11:19:00
Through the years, Supreme Court justices have brought vast and varied experience to the bench. Can you identify these justices by their former jobs? 1. This justice was an actuary. 2. This justice, pictured at right, was a professional football ...
2009-06-09 01:35:00
Four free stock picks are being made available today on The industry’s leading independent research firm highlights one Zacks #1 Rank Strong Buy or a Zacks #2 Rank Buy stock for each of the four main styles of investing: Aggressive ...
2009-06-09 01:42:00
The School District of Beloit is looking for a plan of improvement after the most recent report indicates the district failed to meet federal performance standards. The district did not meet Adequate Yearly Progress, which measures students’ skills ...
2009-06-09 12:01:00
THE COUNTRY’S education system has undergone so many changes that not many people, including several Education Ministry officials and even teachers, can trace the evolution of the system over the last half century. The name of the last public ...
2009-06-09 10:28:00
( -- Countless hours are lost in traffic jams every year. Most frustrating of all are those jams with no apparent cause — no accident, no stalled vehicle, no lanes closed for construction. Such phantom jams can form when there is a ...
2009-06-09 02:17:00
Countless hours are lost in traffic jams every year. Most frustrating of all are those jams with no apparent cause -- no accident, no stalled vehicle, no lanes closed for construction. Such phantom jams can form when there is a heavy volume of cars ...
2009-06-09 02:25:00
The 12 winners of the U.S.A Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO) were honored Monday evening at the 38th annual USAMO Awards Ceremony and Dinner in Washington, D.C. MAA President David Bressoud presided over the awards ceremony at the U.S. Department of ...
2009-06-09 03:22:00
Birmingham-Southern College ’s elementary school mathematics initiative received a $235,860 donation from the Malone Family Foundation . The Malone gift will enable BSC to expand the efforts of the Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership, the ...
2009-06-09 02:17:00
Trenholm State Technical College will hold its fourth annual STEM Camp from Monday to June 19 and July 20 to 24. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The college selected 20 juniors and seniors with a cumulative GPA of 2 ...
2009-06-09 07:01:00
1. This justice was an actuary. 2. This justice, pictured at right, was a professional football player. 3. This justice was a custom's collector. 4. This justice was a newspaper owner. 5. This justice was a practicing physician. 6. This justice gave ...
2009-06-09 09:45:00
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