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Forget about the lazy days of summer. That's the case for 35 rising college freshmen who are spending July preparing for the rigorous study required for academic majors in science, technology, engineering and mathematics – STEM fields – at their ...
2009-07-20 04:32:00
Total solar eclipses have struck awe or fear into hearts for millennia, but scientists are more interested in the unusual mathematics behind the gold-and-indigo lightshow. Superstition has always haunted the moment when Earth, Moon and Sun are ...
2009-07-19 11:03:00
It's a widely held belief that one of the benefits of teaching is the long summer vacation that comes with the job. That may be true, but many teachers forgo at least part of their vacation to teach summer school. San Bernardino City Unified School ...
2009-07-19 11:53:00
Four Thai students are bringing home one gold and three silver medals from the International Biology Olympiad competition just ended in Japan. The announcement of the victory comes just one day after it was reported a team of Thai students grabbed ...
2009-07-19 09:58:00
Advanced coursework can challenge crack mathematicians — and keeping those students in accelerated classes can challenge their teachers. For years, schools have used test scores to identify incoming middle school students who excel in math. Most ...
2009-07-20 12:36:00
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