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A voluntary examination administered to students in the class of 2010 found that, as of last spring, only 16 percent of those tested had the skills needed to succeed in a California State University-level English class, and 57 percent demonstrated ...
2009-08-23 11:11:00
As another school year starts, and students get to know their new teachers, two major national studies remind us that the single most important factor in a student's achievement is the quality of his or her teacher. Reports by The National Council on ...
2009-08-23 11:47:00
GOV. Joe Manchin met recently with union leaders, school superintendents and others to discuss the state's subsidy of health care coverage for retired state employees. That's a good thing. Under new accounting rules, the state must show on its books ...
2009-08-23 11:04:00
OXFORD — Classes for SAD 17 students will resume this week, which is earlier than some years, to get students ready for new state testing that begins later this fall. Elementary students and those in grades seven and nine return Wednesday, Aug. 26 ...
2009-08-23 11:47:00
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