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Westside Elementary School and Lanier County Middle School were honored for their outstanding academic achievement. The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement or GOSA released, on Thursday, a list of 327 Georgia schools being honored for their ...
2010-01-10 10:17:00
Luxembourg - German geneticist Rudi Balling has a vision: A patient goes to the doctor and receives a prescription for a medication that his body can best tolerate and is most effective for him. In Balling's vision the days in which patients had to ...
2010-01-10 09:05:00
University of Mississippi administrator Dr. Donald R. Cole will be the keynote speaker at Meridian Community College’s the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Program. The program begins at 11 a.m. on Thursday in the McCain Theater ...
2010-01-10 10:03:00
"A French software engineer said on Friday he was claiming a world record for calculating Pi, the constant that has fascinated mathematicians for millennia. Fabrice Bellard told AFP he used an inexpensive desktop computer -- and not a supercomputer ...
2010-01-10 04:19:00
The contest between French and Russian mathematicians who sought new answers to one of the oldest puzzles in math, the nature of infinity, inspired this intriguing book. The French school chased rationalist solutions, while the Russian mathematicians ...
2010-01-10 05:02:00
Educators from all over the country were honored at a White House ceremony this week for their efforts to teach mathematics and science. A handful of the teachers are from California. The president and vice president, members of congress, cabinet ...
2010-01-10 01:27:00
At the same time, less than 50% of students passed Russian language, mathematics and social science tests this winter. The indicator reached 80% at certain departments,” the rector said. In his opinion, that is not related to the quality of the ...
2010-01-10 08:34:00
Student achievement on state assessments must have improved over the past three years to now be above the 60th percentile in reading and mathematics. High performing schools must have met the state's adequate yearly progress objectives for the ...
2010-01-10 08:55:00
A few months ago, President Obama launched the “Educate to Innovate” campaign to strengthen competency in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. During this event, some students were invited to demonstrate their robot they built as ...
2010-01-10 07:29:00
SUMMIT — Several changes to the Summit High School curriculum that simplify freshman English options and modify the sequence of math and science courses were approved by the Summit Board of Education at its Thursday, Dec. 17 meeting. The changes ...
2010-01-10 08:27:00
Officials said the victim was a male from Rocky Hill who attended the Greater Hartford Academy of Mathematics and Science, a regional magnet school. He was on his way to a robotics competition when the accident occurred on Interstate 84 west between ...
2010-01-10 01:17:00
Melanie Anne Durand of St. Martinville, Louisiana and Mark Duane Stelly Jr. of Arnaudville, Louisiana were united in marriage during an evening mass on January 2, 2010, at St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church in St. Martinville, Louisiana. Monsignor ...
2010-01-10 02:22:00
A University of California, Davis, professor received a prestigious honor for mentoring handed out Wednesday at a White House ceremony. Susan Kauzlarich, a chemistry professor, was among 18 professors and three scientific educational organizations ...
2010-01-10 03:55:00
I have no respect for those who think computers are smarter or more aware than those who programed them. Such people annoy, irritate, and astound me. A computer is just a very capable adding machine. It cannot comprehend reality aside from how ...
2010-01-10 03:55:00
everything b, by William Dean and published by leading self-publisher Outskirts Press, provides readers and researchers with a simple but remarkable explanation of reality and leads them to an understanding of general relativity, quantum field theory ...
2010-01-10 03:26:00
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