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Blackwell, who taught at Berkeley for nearly 35 years, was also the first black scholar in the National Academy of Sciences David Blackwell, a preeminent mathematician and the first black scholar in the National Academy of Sciences, died July 8 at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Berkeley. He was 91 and had had a series of strokes.
2010-07-26 10:53:48
In response to colleagues' frustration at trying to record on the original APP grids, I have reset them to include space to record observation records. We operate a "3 ticks and then highlight" policy.
2010-07-27 04:01:26
Sub-Topic: Processing and Representing Data; Interpreting and Discussing Results. Keywords: Average, Mean, Median, Mode, Spread, Range, Dispersion, Frequency Table, Frequency Diagram, Pie Chart, Line Graph, Discrete, Continuous, Grouped, Ungrouped, Data.
2010-07-27 04:31:05
Sub-Topic: Place Value, Ordering and Rounding; Calculator Methods. Keywords: Place Value, Rounding, Estimating, Significant Figures, Brackets, Memory, BODMAS, BIDMAS, Decimal, Ten, Hundred, Thousand, Units, Tenth, Hundredth, Point, Zero.
2010-07-27 04:31:15
Sub-Topic: Geometrical Reasoning; Transformations and Co-ordinates; Measures and Mensuration. Keywords: Angle, Turn, Acute, Obtuse, Reflex, Degrees, Parallel, Complementary, Opposite, Corresponding, Interior, Bearings, North, Supplementary, Scale Drawing, Intersecting, Measures, Line, Distance.
2010-07-27 05:16:26
Sub-Topic: Equations, Formulae, Expressions and Identities. Keywords: Algebra, Formulae, Formula, Substitution, Evaluate, Positive, Negative, Change the Subject, Linear, Non Linear, Equation, Solve, Solution, Laws. The topic of Formulae from the Year 8 book of the Mathematics Enhancement Program.
2010-07-27 05:16:15
Prague, July 26 (CTK) - Czech mathematician Daniel Kral, from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Prague's Charles University (MFF UK), is the first from the new EU member states to receive the European Research Council's grant for young scientists, university spokesman Vaclav Hajek told CTK yesterday.
2010-07-27 01:29:43
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