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If elected to the state's top job this fall, Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker would become the first Wisconsin governor in 64 years who doesn't have a college degree. That's either an important symbolic shortcoming or an irrelevant distinction, depending on whom you ask.
2010-07-31 08:52:28
Among the smart set, a wine-tasting event can besophisticated andprofoundly educational.
2010-08-01 05:50:12
With the end of summer in sight - just barely - Northridge Local School District is preparing to get started on a new academic year.
2010-07-31 08:12:28
"I can't say I had many really bad punishments, but I do remember having to run around the school field and standing on the chair a few times. Some of us even had to pick up rubbish on the school field for being late."
2010-07-31 11:33:28
When Patrice Zimmerman of Coatesville found herself out of a job, she vowed never to go back to the corporate world.
2010-08-01 06:11:03
WHEELING - As a child, Sandi Blackwell of Wheeling would take pieces of material and sew clothes for her Barbie dolls - little did she know her lifelong passion for sewing, and eventually quilting, would evolve into her signing a book deal with a national publisher and offer her a chance to sail the Caribbean on a cruise ship.
2010-07-31 11:07:55
MASON - The latest Michigan Merit Exam results overall were good for local school districts.
2010-08-01 05:44:56
UNDATED - School doors in the Gainesville area begin opening for another year this week with the specter of the recession still hanging over the heads of students, teachers, other staff, administrators, and school boards.
2010-08-01 07:37:01
Melbourne, Aug 1 : Fundamentalist Christians are hijacking Religious Instruction (RI) classes in Queensland, Australia, teaching primary school students that man and dinosaurs once walked the Earth together and that fossils prove it.
2010-08-01 08:14:01
The three finalists for Richmond County schools superintendent say they feel they have the experience and know-how to run the system effectively.
2010-08-01 12:35:32
When 14-year-old Rachel Nielsen received a white envelope addressed to her, she had a set of feelings almost indescribable to her.
2010-08-01 08:18:19
This year saw the end of the controversial Common Entrance Examination (CE), which first came into existence when the Church schools' issue was at the forefront of Maltese politics.
2010-08-01 02:51:17
JOHN Gurusamy, one of the stalwarts of the National Union of Teachers (Nut) before it grew to become the National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP), was a juggler.
2010-07-31 08:10:26
High school students Aszurtoine Gunter-Fields and Terrell Ford built a bridge that just wouldn't break. United States - Education - Colleges and Universities - University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
2010-07-30 11:00:00
A 300-year old experiment was re-enacted last week by students rubbing balloons on their heads.
2010-08-01 04:35:02
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