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International Green Computing Conference Supercomputing - Conferences - TOP500 - Supercomputer - Computer Science
2010-08-16 10:58:08
San Luis Obispo County students improved their scores over last year on standardized tests in math a
2010-08-16 03:44:57
When you're reaching for the stars, there's nothing quite like a booster rocket to get you there faster.
2010-08-16 01:30:34
Scranton Elementary School Principal Darlene Matthews talks with kindergarten students Monday, the first day of the 2010-11 school year. Credit: Bradrick McClam/LAKE CITY NEWS & POST
2010-08-16 01:56:29
San Diego Unified students made gains on standardized tests for a fourth straight year, with more of them scoring "advanced" or "proficient" in math and English, according to results released Monday. The gains in SDUSD scores in the 2010 Standardized Testing and Reporting Program mirrored the overall upward climb by students across the state, according to state Superintendent of Public ...
2010-08-16 07:07:48
SADDLE BROOK, NJ--(Marketwire - August 16, 2010) - The adoption and implementation of the Common Core State Standards creates a dramatic shift in the landscape of K-12 education, state standards, and state tests. As an endorsing partner of the Common Core State Standards, Peoples Education ( NASDAQ : PEDH ) pledges to support the education community during this transition period.
2010-08-16 10:53:21
August 16, 2010 President Obama was right to express his views on constructing a mosque near Ground Zero, the site of the 9/11 catastrophe:...
2010-08-16 03:40:21
NEW YORK It is generally true that you get what you pay for, but not necessarily when it comes to higher education. A new study scheduled for release Monday about the value of a college education, at least when it comes to the basics, has found the opposite to be true in most cases. Forget Harvard and think Lamar.
2010-08-16 02:05:27
Richard Calabrese left the board earlier this year after heart ailments.
2010-08-16 10:07:00
The Indianapolis-based university is home to one of 15 of the NASA academies and the first in Indiana.
2010-08-16 08:47:02
Multiplication and division facts for the 2,3,4,5,9 and 10 times tables.
2010-08-16 07:01:06
Capacity and reading scales for all measures (five days).
2010-08-16 08:16:16
THE HOUSE AND SENATE . Beacon Hill Roll Call records the votes of local senators on three roll calls from prior sessions during the week of July 26-31. There were no roll calls in the House or Senate last week.
2010-08-16 12:15:56
Exult takes hang gliding and the maniacs who practice it by the balls, shakes them like a bad martini, and then -- almost inexplicably -- brings it all in for a smooth landing.
2010-08-16 11:54:26
( Boston College ) Teachers who completed extensive online professional development showed improvement in their knowledge and skills, which translated into modest learning gains for their students, according to a five-year study by Boston College researchers involving more than 300 teachers and 7,000 students in 13 states.
2010-08-16 11:47:29
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