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Katheryn Abernathy is the featured artist for September at Toad Hall Antiques, in the upstairs gallery. Born in 1958 in Medina, Tenn., Abernathy graduated in 1980 from University of Tennessee with bachelor's degrees in mathematics and computer science. She says that she began painting as a way to relieve migraine headaches. Now known for her eye for color, she was featured in the HGTV's Designer ...
2010-09-01 06:00:00
Teachers at Port Clinton Middle School are planning an evening for parents to learn about the Connected Mathematics Program from 6 to 8 p.m. on Sept. 8.
2010-09-01 07:40:44
The summer is often a time of reflection and renewal. However, for youth who cannot afford the luxuries of a stimulating, structured summer break, the time away from the classroom can be detrimental to educational development. read more
2010-09-01 01:25:45
One in four first-time freshmen in Georgia public colleges and universities needs a remedial class to improve academic skills. But at College of Coastal Georgia, the number of students needing additional help is decreasing, said Phil Mason, vice president of academic affairs at the college.
2010-09-01 02:32:36
For some Central Michigan University students, Blackboard is an essential tool they use to keep up with class work through the semester.But on some occasions, a student might enter a class with a professor who decides against using Blackboard despite that a new version recently hit the Web.
2010-09-01 02:45:33
Monk Yi Xing especially had an interest in calendar calculation, astronomy, and the Five Elements.
2010-09-01 01:32:51
Low scores for English Language Learners prompts listing Linda Satchwell Staff Writer 9/1/2010 Plumas Unified School District Superintendent Glenn Harris announced at the July board meeting that C. Roy Carmichael Elementary School in Portola is on the state's list of 1,000 open enrollment schools.
2010-09-01 03:04:32
New tool draws from an extensive library of LEDs, drivers and heat sinks to help create complete lighting systems up to 100,000 lumens, enabling both novice and expert designers to perform real-time comparisons and optimize complex lighting systems for performance, size and cost in minutes, based on the desired lumens.
2010-09-01 04:19:37
German scientists have developed a new MRI technique that allows doctors and researchers a detailed look at the beat of your heart.
2010-09-01 02:47:44
Robert and Susan Gold are starting a private school for gifted children that will be partially immersive in Spanish. They open August 30 with eight students enrolled.Susan Gold is reading to their children Madeline and Jacqueline Gold.
2010-09-01 03:53:05
FRONT ROYAL -- Two Warren County elementary schools will continue to provide school alternatives and educational assistance as a result of annual yearly progress benchmarks.
2010-09-01 05:38:23
I believe that something really needs to be done about the religious fundamentalists who seem to be making a hobby out of standing in front of the HUB-Robeson Center screaming at the top of their lungs that all college students will burn in hell.
2010-09-01 04:10:21
The mystery at Fairfield's landfill is how 9,000 tons of trash went missing. About 44,000 tons of garbage was expected to be collected there last fiscal year. Yet only 35,351 tons arrived.
2010-09-01 01:20:20
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink envisions an education system in Florida where at-risk students have incentives to stay in school, better-trained teachers get performance-based raises and school buildings become community centers.
2010-08-31 09:17:29
A $7.5 million federal grant will be used at the UA to study the effects of a specialized laser on the atmosphere. Jerry Moloney, director of Arizona Center for Mathematical Sciences, is leading a team from the UA.
2010-09-01 03:34:15
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