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A watch shop in downtown Portland was robbed Monday afternoon by a man wielding a brick.
2010-09-13 11:05:20
George C. Williams, an evolutionary biologist who helped shape modern theories of natural selection, died Wednesday at his home in South Setauket on Long Island, near Stony Brook University, where he taught for 30 years. He was 83.
2010-09-14 01:22:33
California schoolchildren have made significant academicprogress for eight consecutive years but still aren’t making thefederal grade, according to the results of state standards testingreleased Monday.
2010-09-14 01:38:44
By Sarah Campbell Rowan-Salisbury School Systemâs Scholastic Aptitude Test scores continue to lag behind state and national averages with a score of 1,396 in 2010, falling 46 points from 1,442 the previous year. Statewi ...
2010-09-13 11:06:53
Findlay school administrators seemed set to take on the world Monday, as they outlined for the city school board their plans to improve district performance on the state report card.
2010-09-14 12:32:50
Maine's 2010 high school graduates posted virtually the same scores on the SAT college admissions exam as their 2009 counterparts, according to national test results released Monday.
2010-09-13 11:57:24
Lewis and Clark is the only school in the Missoula Countydistrict to have what is known in education-speak as "singlesubject acceleration" as part of its math program.
2010-09-14 12:07:51
( University of Chicago Press Journals ) A set of studies released in this month's special issue of the Elementary School Journal reveals the powerful effect that the coaching of teachers can have on both teachers and students.
2010-09-13 11:17:56
RALEIGH | The average SAT score for college-bound North Carolina students was almost unchanged this year even though more took the most common entrance test, according to a report released Monday.
2010-09-13 10:38:22
"Erlang Programming" for only $9.99. Use discount code DDEPE to get your savings....
2010-09-14 01:56:09
Indian academics have long dreamed of resurrecting Nalanda University, one of the world's oldest seats of learning, which has lain in ruins for 800 years.
2010-09-14 02:17:29
Aurora University's plan to create a charter/magnet hybrid school focusing on math and science is continuing to take shape.
2010-09-14 12:15:47
Vermont high school seniors continue to outscore other students across the nation on college entrance exams but the number of students here who take the SAT, one of the most popular exams, is down. ... - By Cristina Kumka STAFF WRITER
2010-09-14 02:03:43
The Skolkovo Innovation Center is the largest project in contemporary Russia focused on developing the country’s research and technology capacity. In this interview with RIA Novosti’s Samir Shakhbaz, Anatoly Alexandrov, rector of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, shares his views of the project’s prospects and difficulties, compares this innovation center to Silicon Valley and discusses ...
2010-09-14 03:04:48
Academic performance at District 150 continues to be a mixed bag, but many schools are showing improvement.
2010-09-13 11:49:06
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