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The history of mathematics begins 33,000 years ago Africa, when a woman made 29 notches in a baboon's fibula to record the days between her menstrual cycles. This record shows that as far back as ...
2010-09-15 07:49:00
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2010-09-16 12:10:00
CHAMBERSBURG - The process of finding a replacement at Wilson College for outgoing President Lorna Edmundson has officially started.
2010-09-16 12:00:24
In December, Julie Huynh will achieve a statistically uncommon feat, especially in the recent era of budget cuts. She will complete an undergraduate degree in three and a half years.
2010-09-15 07:28:43
On Tuesday, Sept. 14, Southeast Missouri State University's Student Government held special elections to fill empty cabinet seats. The elections weren't the only event of the evening, however. Dr. Ken Dobbins, Southeast president and Honorary Senator to Student Government, was there as a guest speaker.
2010-09-15 08:37:39
BY ROBERTO ACOSTA 810-452-2645 • RACOSTA@MIHOMEPAPER.COM BURTON — Administration members broke down their way of bettering curriculum taught via testing and rubrics during Monday evening’s Bendle Board of Education meeting. read more
2010-09-15 11:28:05
When UNO senior Neil Huben visited Elkhorn Middle School last year, he started his presentation on careers in science with your typical PowerPoint. The students' attention wavered in and out - some doodled in notebooks, while others lay disinterested with their heads on their arms.
2010-09-15 10:55:44
MONT ALTO, Pa. Penn State Mont Alto will host the universitys writers blocks on campus today to focus attention on Constitution Day.
2010-09-15 11:00:12
You may need to be logged in to see stories listed here that are in our archives. ASHEBORO — The Class of 2010 at Asheboro City and Randolph County high schools scored higher, some having significant gains, on the SAT college admission test and more students took the exam than the previous graduating class.
2010-09-15 11:02:36
Island students performed well above the state average and continued to improve their scores on the 2010 Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) exams. State education officials and Governor Deval Patrick released the results at 2 pm Tuesday.
2010-09-15 06:24:22
The Hannibal Courier Post reports that Hannibal schools are doing a good job of teaching kids,
2010-09-15 09:42:34
CONWAY - University of Central Arkansas officials held a dedication Wednesday for its new residential college designed to prepare students for careers in technology and science.
2010-09-15 10:18:44
Researchers have found theoretical evidence of a new way to generate the high-frequency waves used in modern communication devices such as cell phones using exotic "soliton" waves in magnetism. The technique might enable wireless technology that would be more secure and resistant to interference than conventional devices.
2010-09-15 09:17:15
Please disregard the previously issued Verizon release, headline, "Free Online Resources at Verizon Help Educators Bring National Hispanic Heritage Month Lessons to Life," and refer to the following release instead: Free Lesson Plans and Teacher Resources at Verizon Thinkfinity Help Bring the Stories of National Hispanic Heritage Month to Life in the Classroom Verizon Thinkfinity ...
2010-09-15 08:37:25
Beaufort County educators got some good news with this year's SAT scores.Districtwide, the av
2010-09-15 05:29:54
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