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Countless stories of orphans, hunger and disease describe the dire poverty in Third World nations. But looking in the bright eyes of Zimbabwe native Martin Ganda, who grew up in abject poverty and now works at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in New York City, one feels hope that lives can be transformed.
2010-09-18 12:51:08
Oregon State University
2010-09-17 06:21:27
Newton County School System Superintendent Gary Mathews wants the school board to approve a new plan that is meant to increase student achievement and more effective teaching by implementing a new principal evaluation.
2010-09-17 10:28:33
Christian Packard described himself as "persistent … usually, when a task comes up, I don't really stop until it's done. "Now, I may not always start it for a while, but I'll get it done," he said with a smile. The 17-year-old Lancaster Catholic High School senior is known around the school...
2010-09-17 08:45:33
Gajalakshmi, 14, fought virtually every adversity that life could have thrown at her.
2010-09-17 06:15:54
Wanted: serious problem solver ers Students concentrated Wednesday on equations flying across a white board in Associate Professor Yiming Ji’s University of South Carolina Beaufort
2010-09-18 12:43:02
In his latest book, "The Grand Design," Prof. Stephen Hawking says that the 1992 discovery of a planet orbiting a star other than the sun demolished the "Goldilocks" view of Isaac Newton, which was that the unique position of the earth -- not too hot, not too cold, but just right for allowing life -- could not have arisen out of chaos but must have been purposefully created, by God.
2010-09-18 01:16:35
MPS inc. OLA Our School is seeking an exceptional candidate to work alongside the current Headteacher as Co-Headteacher. You are likely to be either a Deputy Headteacher with 2/3 years experience or a highly ambitious Assistant Headteacher.
2010-09-17 08:01:08
Individual accomplishments of Ventura County residents
2010-09-17 09:50:00
Four 2010 New Philadelphia High graduates have earned the AP Scholar Award by completing three or more AP Exams with scores of 3 or higher.
2010-09-18 12:20:38
A request by Alabama legislators to move jobs from the National Air and Space Intelligence Center to a similar military analysis center in Alabama worries officials here, in part because intelligence work is seen as a growing source of jobs.A career pipeline is already functioning in the Dayton area, led by the Beavercreek-based Advanced Technical Intelligence Center, to train and graduate new ...
2010-09-17 08:31:27
NEW BRITAIN — Central Connecticut State University will host a series of lectures in commemoration of Elihu Burritt, New Britain’s most famous son.
2010-09-18 12:25:58
Qatar- New school year to see many changes
2010-09-18 01:11:03
Raymond Carroll wishes he got paid $443,000, like it says in a financial measurement released this week by the A&M System. But he says that's about $150,000 more than his actual salary. "My concern, personally, is my salary is so badly overst ...
2010-09-18 12:25:23
DIGHTON - Big improvements in MCAS scores continued for the second consecutive year at Bristol County Agricultural High School.
2010-09-18 12:37:52
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