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Real world math lessons don't get much more "real world" than this one. At Patterson Middle School, eighth-grade math teacher Roger Barker asked the construction foreman working next door if he would consider talking ...
2010-09-03 11:52:00
State Superintendent Sandy Garrett has announced the 2010 ACT college-entrance exam scores for Oklahoma public high schools.
2010-09-03 11:23:14
Back in school after a five-year absence, Hutchinson Community College science student Kyle ...
2010-09-03 10:47:18
MASON CITY — Several North Iowa school districts, includingMason City, have been listed as having schools in need ofassistance (SINA) for the 2010-11 school year for failing to reachproficiency in some grades for reading and math under No Child LeftBehind requirements.
2010-09-03 07:46:49
Two candidates are seeking the Republican nomination for the 2nd Congressional District seat held by Democrat Tammy Baldwin. The district includes all of Columbia County.
2010-09-03 11:51:22
Science editor Alan Boyle's Weblog: More than a decade ago, British physicist Stephen Hawking said there was a 50-50 chance that a unified "theory of everything" would be discovered within 20 years. Now he explains why he thinks the theory has been found. Stephen Hawking - Physics - Physicist - Alan Boyle - Alternative
2010-09-03 07:35:35
Java developerThis is great opportunity for a proactive, articulate individual to work with an up and coming financial trading company.
2010-09-03 11:48:21
A MILITARY policeman, moonlighting as a tutor, convinced the mother of a student, to let him sleep over for two nights in 2008. Unknown to her, Kittredge Chan Lead Whye was a paedophile and used the opportunity to fondle the boy's private parts on both nights, before masturbating in front of the nine-year-old.
2010-09-03 08:59:15
South Carolina is part of two groups of states that are getting $330 million in federal grants over the next four years to develop a new generation of tests, according to a news release by the S.C. Department of Education.
2010-09-03 09:04:37
Charles Munger presented the Institute's 2008 DuBridge Distinguished Lecture in Beckman Auditorium on March 11. Munger, the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., a business partner of Warren Buffett, and one of the richest people in the United States, was joined in conversation by Caltech's Tom Tombrello, chair of the Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy, and Kenan Professor and ...
2010-09-03 11:11:20
Letter in response to Steven Heller’s discussion in his Visuals column of “The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid,” by Oliver Byrne.
2010-09-03 11:49:58
Bigger, as the Federal Reserve may soon discover, is not always better. The prospect of a renewed effort by the US central bank to drive down already super-low borrowing costs raises the issue of whether such ...
2010-08-29 11:58:00
A second city resident has filed a lawsuit over results of a recent property reassessment.
2010-09-03 12:55:42
Students and teachers at the Pinellas County Science Center in St. Petersburg, Fla., will have an out-of-this-world phone conversation with NASA astronauts aboard the International Space Station.
2010-09-03 12:11:01
Both families are delighted to announce the engagement of Kathryn Lauren Sugino, daughter of Mark and Kim Sugino of New York City, to Philip Carroll Doughty Jr., son of Philip and Angela Doughty of Vernon, Conn.
2010-09-03 06:11:12
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