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Chua's father, a leading theorist of advanced mathematics, gave her a model for perfectionism. In eighth grade, she placed second in a history contest. Someone else was named best all-around student. She invited her family to the ceremony. "Afterward," she ...
2011-01-09 11:19:00
That's fine -- it's more than fine, it's democracy. Victor Davis Hanson (Opinion, Jan. 7) should know that only in mathematics are there "right" answers. Other subjects are more difficult to comprehend. Many people are trying to understand our world and ...
2011-01-10 12:02:00
For example, according to the 2003 and 2007 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, most U.S. eighth-grade students are very confident about their mathematics abilities. Yet they are consistently outscored by Asian students with much less ...
2011-01-10 12:02:00
Students and teachers throughout El Paso are back in class and the new semester will be spent largely preparing for the coming TAKS tests.
2011-01-10 01:16:11
They teach accounting. One might expect they would have a keen understanding of the laws of mathematics and consequently would advocate for spending restraint so as not to jeopardize the solvency of their state. Instead, our universities have acted like ...
2011-01-09 12:57:00
The center charts student progress through a National Assessment of Educational Progress, which measures mathematics, reading, science, writing, the arts, civics, economics, geography and U.S. history. Fourth-graders were tested in reading in 1998, as Bush ...
2011-01-09 06:19:00
If you take someone's life, it's a crime. You'll go to jail. We don't need a written law for that." Miller said in 1988 he broke the mathematics of language and proved that language is a linear math equation that he said he can use to prove that government ...
2011-01-09 07:23:00
Maths or mathematics, as the subject is commonly referred to in India, or Math, as the Americans put it, is for many quite overwhelming, off-putting, and tough. But for some others it is a cinch.
2011-01-09 12:37:41
Ognjen Milatovic, 35, a mathematics and statistics professor at the University of North Florida, was arrested and removed from a Boston to Washington D.C. flight on US Airways Monday after his fellow passengers alerted crew members they thought he had a ...
2011-01-09 05:54:00
In 2009, the academy received an agency grant to develop a NASA-based science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, curriculum. The station astronauts will answer student questions on Jan. 11, from 11-11:20 a.m. EST. In preparation for the ...
2011-01-09 08:25:00
And the group's deejay, Mathematics, consistently sculpted raw sonic backdrops out of harsh beats and gritty turntable scratches. In closing with commercial plugs, Wu-Tang Clan came full circle, assuming the identity of band as corporation—a musical ...
2011-01-09 09:43:00
Work history: Hired as head of the South Region Minority Suppliers Development Council in December. Started career as mathematics teacher at Carver High School before going to work for IBM Corp. as a systems programmer. Retired as UAB's director of ...
2011-01-09 10:05:00
With larger classes, Galindo said, cooperative learning and math labs are out, even though he wants students to experiment and understand how mathematics works and why it's so important. With 20 students, he could do that. With 35, those kind of labs have ...
2011-01-09 10:48:00
Ognjen Milatovic, 35, a mathematics and statistics professor at the University of North Florida, was arrested and removed from a Boston to Washington D.C. flight on US Airways Monday after his fellow passengers alerted crew members they thought he had a suspicious package in the overhead compartment, reports Associated Press / NBC News in Miami.
2011-01-09 06:18:44
I see 12th-grade students struggling with intermediate algebra and geometry who have yet to pass the Ohio Graduation Test mathematics section, which is geared to 10th-grade levels. In most cases, they have failed the test many times and need to pass in ...
2011-01-09 01:51:00
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