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Columbus State University will receive nearly $1.2 million to help recruit, develop and graduate more high school science and mathematics teachers over the next five years.
2011-09-01 08:22:58
Brendan's software features industry-leading mathematics and methodologies that provides accuracy, precision, reliability, and troubleshooting. Brendan Technologies, Inc. provides you an in-depth strategic analysis of the company's businesses and operations.
1969-12-31 06:00:00
Paul Reduzzi, Pen Argyl Area High School's football coach, wants to take the mathematics out of his team's defensive equation. As his own defensive coordinator, Reduzzi has set certain goals with his team but he doesn't put a number on them.
1969-12-31 06:00:00
Mallory Griggs, of Factoryville, was hired as temporary mathematics teacher at the Lake-Lehman Junior/Senior High School with a salary of $42,181, effective Aug. 24. Griggs is a graduate of Lackawanna Trail High School and received her bachelor ...
1969-12-31 06:00:00
Its new curriculum focuses on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Friendship also runs three other schools in the city. "We're very excited about this year because it's an entirely different environment," said Barbara Vi ...
1969-12-31 06:00:00
Jud Bowman and Taylor Brockman, who started a software project in their Durham high school dorm that eventually became a billion-dollar business, want to help other students do the same. Bowman and Brockman will announce today that they have ...
1969-12-31 06:00:00
On the offensive side, Reduzzi doesn't want to bog his players down with numbers, either.
2011-09-01 04:36:32
Going back to school with a tablet computer means you'll have available a lot of useful applications for the classroom and homework to get and stay organized, write reports, and do the higher mathematics.
2011-09-01 02:38:41
As the spring semester of 1985 began, one professor failed to show up for his classes. Boris Weisfeiler , former Penn State professor of mathematics, had gone to Chile on a hiking trip when he disappeared on Jan. 5, 1985, never to be heard from again.
2011-09-01 04:25:05
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