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Cornell University Senior Lecturer Maria Terrell, left in video, graduate student Lucian Clavier and nine others compete in the pie-eating contest at Pi Day, organized by the student chapter of the Association for Women in at Cornell ...
1969-12-31 06:00:00
You see, he not only lacks an understanding of , apparently having no understanding of what kinds of sample sizes are needed to get an accurate sense of American public opinion, but he is also actively promoting his anti-math ...
1969-12-31 06:00:00
On Pi Day, we celebrate and things that are round — but instead of rounding up for pi, students relish every digit. Here’s how you can celebrate, even after you’ve graduated. 2. Rapping: There’s something about the ...
1969-12-31 06:00:00
Check out the geekiest dance moves ever – “Do the tan!” (or the sin, cosine, square root, modulo, reciprocal, etc.) This first made an appearance almost a year ago, but is doing the rounds again on Facebook and elsewhere and it made me giggle, almost, so it’s worth another display: Source: More science scoops ...
2012-03-14 04:21:23
Duluth, MN (Northland's NewsCenter) --- The Marshall School's Math League Team placed second in the Small Schools Division at the Minnesota State High School League State Championship this weekend. During the competition, Nate Choi, Calvin ...
1969-12-31 06:00:00
is not a matter of life and death; it is more important than that! The above quote borrowed from a contemporary mathematician’s take on the profession, rather than to be dismissed as a light-hearted banter, does nevertheless serve to describe ...
1969-12-31 06:00:00
BALTIMORE -- Two new science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) laboratories have been opened at the Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women (BLSYW), thanks to a grant and in-kind support ...
2012-03-14 02:05:35
I don’t typically get mathematics-themed jokes, but today is March 14 — or 3.14 — Pi Day. Any excuse to make a pie, right? So here’s the pie I’m going to make tonight: Amazing Margarita Pie. Yes, it’s silly, and yes, it has Cool Whip, but I’m going to make it anyway. Because I like it. And the judges of The Star’s pie contest a couple years ago liked it too, enough to award it first place. Here ...
2012-03-14 11:54:08
Happy Pi Day! A favorite holiday among geeks, March 14 commemorates one of the most fundamental and strange numbers in mathematics. It's also Albert Einstein's birthday. ...
2012-03-14 12:12:44
AJMAN — Students taking the grade 12 mathematics examination here were in for a surprise as they were given model answer papers of grade 11 instead of their question paper. The mistake delayed the exam by two hours.
2012-03-14 02:38:22
In fact, I was so moved that I had to go and confront the principal of the school, and it was then I learnt that almost every school in the country is now operating this policy as a fallout to the NUC's policy on English and . It is enough that ...
1969-12-31 06:00:00
Today, Ford is celebrating Pi Day (3.14 day), a holiday recognizing the role plays in everyday activities Ford engineers will challenge visitors on as well as Detroit area high school students to solve mathematical ...
1969-12-31 06:00:00
StockScouter rates stocks from 1 to 10, with 10 being the best, using a system of advanced mathematics to determine a stock's expected risk and return. Ratings are displayed on a bell curve, meaning there will be fewer ratings of 1 and 10 and far more of 4 through 7.
2012-03-13 07:49:44
The 2012 Cooperative Highly Academic Mathematics Program (CHAMP) Information Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 15, 2012 from 6 7 PM in 108 Bessey Hall on the MSU campus.
2012-03-14 09:58:21
What's Pi Day without pie? (Remember your , right? Pi, as in 3.14 ... etc.) This recipe comes from Bob Heilman's Beachcomber Restaurant in Clearwater Beach, Fla. It was adapted by the Los Angeles Times. Note: Bob Heilman's Beachcomber ...
1969-12-31 06:00:00
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