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CNET Editors' note: The "Download Now" link directs you to the iTunes App Store, where you must continue the download process. You must have iTunes installed in order to open the link, and you must have an active iTunes account to download the application.
1969-12-31 06:00:00
In Arkhangelsk opened III International Youth scientific-practical school. On the basis of the Institute of mathematics and computer sciences (IMiKN) from 19 to 24 March will be held lectures and practical classes on “high performance computing for GRID systems. Model: access GRID, CLOUD, IPDC.
2012-03-19 11:10:47
A key player in developing common core state standards for U.S. mathematics will discuss the benchmarks in a lecture at Humboldt State University on Tuesday, Mar. 20, at 7:30 p.m.
2012-03-20 02:04:59
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