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StockScouter rates stocks from 1 to 10, with 10 being the best, using a system of advanced mathematics to determine a stock's expected risk and return. Ratings are displayed on a bell curve, meaning there will be fewer ratings of 1 and 10 and far more of 4 through 7.
2012-07-19 06:47:32
StockScouter rates stocks from 1 to 10, with 10 being the best, using a system of advanced mathematics to determine a stock's expected risk and return. Ratings are displayed on a bell curve, meaning there will be fewer ratings of 1 and 10 and far more of 4 through 7.
2012-07-19 06:46:52
Math-challenged, beware: dolphins may be better at complex nonlinear than you are, reported Discovery News. We've always known that dolphins are unnervingly intelligent. Now, a study has revealed that dolphins may be using complex ...
1969-12-31 06:00:00
( University of California - Davis ) Mathematicians at UC Davis have come up with a new way to crinkle up the fabric of space-time -- at least in theory.
2012-07-19 12:02:17
Mathematicians have come up with a new way to crinkle up the fabric of space-time -- at least in theory.
2012-07-19 02:05:38
( Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics ) The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics was recently awarded a National Science Foundation grant for an initiative to increase mathematical modeling and computational applied mathematics in high school and college curricula. The effort is being led by SIAM Executive Director Jim Crowley and SIAM Vice President for Education Peter ...
2012-07-19 10:24:58
Nonlinear mathematics may be behind the mammals’ ability to see through bubbles
2012-07-19 01:53:12
Five rising seniors at Gray Stone Day School have been selected to attend Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics (SVSM) at various campuses across the state. Dustin Britt, son of G. Jeff and Laura Britt of Mt. Gilead, will study alternative p ...
2012-07-18 11:27:10
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