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As always, these people care more for symbolism than practical objectives, if indeed they know what’s the objectives. Go straight to the point. Want to improve English encourage the use of more of it. Not learn it through science & mathematics. Or Shakespeare unless one has already acquired basic competence in ordinary English. For eg in Hamlet, “conscience makes cowards of us all”, the word ...
2012-09-17 03:11:25
SEPT 18 — I have lived in this country for 20 years. During this time, one thing has remained constant. The country’s leaders — its oligarchs and rulers — have deemed an education in mathematics and science as the hallmark of a successful individual. Let’s be honest. There’s no discussion about “arts and social sciences in English”, there’s no ...
2012-09-17 07:35:36
Imaging from coupled physics, a new phenomenon, has become of increasing interest to the applied community. The key idea is that contrast induced by one type of radiation is read by another type, so that both resolution and high ...
2012-09-17 04:53:11
Having achieved our second 'Outstanding' judgement from OFSTED in January this year, we aim to build on and maintain the exceptional standards we have set as the Academy grows to its full capacity in the next two years. Both the sponsors and the Senior ...
2012-09-16 11:46:34
“It would be a fantastic breakthrough.” What is even more fascinating is that Dr. Mochizuki has devised new machinery that he employs for the proof. The abstract ideas and notations that mathematicians manipulate are unfathomable ...
2012-09-17 09:00:52
Massachusetts education officials say the state's 10th-graders have performed better than ever on the MCAS exam.
2012-09-17 12:08:21
Massachusetts education officials say the state's 10th-graders have performed better than ever on the MCAS exam, while minority students have closed the achievement gap.
2012-09-17 01:07:26
Massachusetts education officials say the state's 10th-graders have performed better than ever on the MCAS exam, while minority students have closed the achievement gap.
2012-09-17 02:00:13
Just give us the Choice.. Let the people decide what education system we want.. I vote for Full English Medium Anytime.. Any want say otherwise? My opinion in English as a Medium always: -
2012-09-17 03:11:25
MALDEN — The Patrick-Murray Administration and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education today announced that 88 percent of 10th graders scored Proficient or higher in English language arts (ELA) and 78 percent scored Proficient or higher in mathematics, according to the 2012 statewide results of the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) exams.
2012-09-17 11:52:05
KOTA, India (Reuters) - With a sprawling five-acre campus, 10,000 students and state-of-the-art LCD projectors in its lecture rooms, Bansal Classes is bigger and slicker than most schools in India. But the institution, now a landmark in Kota, a city in the desert state of Rajasthan, is neither a school nor a college. It is the jewel in the crown of India's private coaching industry, a $6.4 ...
2012-09-17 07:21:47
Thanks to the addition of a new Bachelor of Arts major, Columbia graduates may have their artistic works restored by fellow alumni 100 years from now.
2012-09-10 09:19:07
SEPT 17 – The just released Education Blueprint was touted to be very comprehensive as it took into account the views and desires of Malaysians who were given opportunities to provide input during dialogues held in major towns across the country. However, if the responses and loud cheers from large section of the crowd during the dialogues are any ...
2012-09-17 08:05:03
In mathematics, the power of 10 is one of the key building blocks behind the complex world of numbers.
2012-09-17 03:49:26
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