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Keesling, who has been teaching at UF for 46 years, taught a private college math class to 12 students who are members of the Buchholz High School math team this past fall.
2013-05-30 08:20:34
Wisconsin's labor market shows no evidence of an existing or impending general "skills gaps," according to a new analysis by a team of graduate students at UW-Madison's La Follette School of Public Affairs.
2013-05-31 07:22:59
( Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics ) In a paper titled "Stochastic Analysis of Pre- and Postexposure Prophylaxis against HIV Infection," authors Jessica Conway, Bernhard Konrad, and Daniel Coombs present theoretical models of HIV dynamics immediately following exposure to the virus, thus providing a method to study infection and treatment at these early stages, as well as come up ...
2013-05-31 01:23:29
( Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics ) In a paper titled "Conditions for Transient Viremia in Deterministic in-Host Models: Viral Blips Need No Exogenous Trigger," published last month in the SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, authors Wenjing Zhang, Lindi M. Wahl, and Pei Yu presented a model to study persistent infections.
2013-05-31 01:09:01
The government decision to admit students having 45 per cent marks in mathematics in Plus Two for B. Tech programmes in the new academic year is likely to worsen the already poor pass percentage i...
2013-05-31 03:50:34
Primary and Upper Basic Schools. The annual science and mathematics Fair Day was attended by students drawn from both private and public schools to demonstrate to the people what they have learnt in school. Speaking to journalists shortly after the ...
2013-05-31 02:52:30
Evan Derse, a junior at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, holds the wind turbine he designed during the freeform educational time built into the school's weekly schedule. > View all Students (L-R) Sachi Singh, Shelly Teng, and ...
2013-05-30 10:31:23
Charles S. Kahane, professor of mathematics, emeritus, at Vanderbilt, died May 23 as the result of injuries he sustained in a single-vehicle car crash along Interstate 65 in Hardin County, Ky. He was 78. Kahane’s wife, Claire R. Kahane, 75 ...
2013-05-29 12:00:00
MIT Institute Professor Isadore M. Singer shares the 2004 Abel Prize for the discovery and proof of a theorem that is one of the great landmarks of 20th-century mathematics. The Abel, which has been likened to the Nobel Prize, but for mathematics, was ...
2013-05-23 12:00:00
The NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium and Space Florida are jointly hosting a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics paid Internship Program at the Space Life Sciences Laboratory in Exploration Park at Kennedy Space Center, in summer 2013.
2013-05-31 07:35:00
Yet take a look, if you dare, at this Q&A, in the current edition of New York magazine, with Will Smith and his son Jaden, to promote their forthcoming film After Earth. It should definitely win some kind of award, though I'm not sure the ...
2013-05-30 08:52:11
That’s the adventure MITxplore co-founders Leon Dimas, Narges Kaynia and Debbie Nguyen say they are trying to bring to the lives of local fifth graders through a weekly after-school program focused on participatory mathematics. Every week, about 10 ...
2013-05-23 12:00:00
As part of the Meta University concept, University of Delhi (DU) & Jamia Milia Islamia (JMI) had planned to introduce a joint Master's in Mathematics Education course, which was approved by JMI's Academic Council in 2012. Going ahead with this plan, the ...
2013-05-30 08:59:46
Timothy Steward, a teacher who made mathematics real for students and a basketball coach whose intensity — and respect — motivated players, died May 24, in Ebeid Hospice Residence, Sylvania. He was 54.
2013-05-31 12:05:43
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