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Jack Buxkemper gave his mother a hug that lifted her off the ground at the Capitol.
2013-06-11 07:25:00
New GCSEs will be "more challenging, more ambitious and more rigorous", Michael Gove has said.
2013-06-11 07:29:14
New Delhi, Jun 11 (PTI) Famed Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan's extraordinary life is now the subject of a Tamil and English movie with Abhinay, the grandson of the legendary actor Gemini Ganesan, playing the mathematics genius on the silver screen.
2013-06-11 09:17:22
Dr. Jo Anne Vasquez, Helios Education Foundation’s Vice President and Program Director for Arizona Transition Years, Teacher and Curriculum Initiatives, has received the National S
2013-06-11 09:00:00
What would you do if you knew your fast-food burger, the steel in your car, the leather for your shoes or that shiny hardwood floor came as a result of slave labor?
2013-06-11 08:07:47
When more high school students in Illinois began taking coursework for college credit, David Seiler was intrigued. The Indiana State University doctoral student and history instructor at Lake Land College noticed that many courses were similar to the ones taught at Lake Land and other two-year colleges.
2013-06-11 04:52:57
Srinivasa Ramanujans extraordinary life is now the subject of a Tamil movie with Abhinay, the grandson of the legendary Gemini Ganesan, playing the mathematics genius on the silver screen.
2013-06-11 06:37:15
Facebook is a mirror and Twitter is a megaphone, according to a new University of Michigan study exploring how social media reflect and amplify the culture's growing levels of narcissism.
2013-06-11 11:22:59
Report finds Irish children more unhappy at school than international peers
2013-06-11 10:53:25
Justin Timberlake plays Princeton mathematics whizz kid Richie Furst in 'Runner, Runner' - the new crime thriller by Brad Furman (The Lincoln Lawyer,...
2013-06-11 09:09:45
MARSHALL, Texas (6/10/13)- East Texas Baptist University announces two faculty members, Robin McClaran and Laci McRee, have received their doctorates during the past academic year. The two professors are also alumnae of ETBU.
2013-06-11 06:57:28
Ed-tech start-up completes successful EQAO and Canadian Open Math Challenge pilots TORONTO, June 11, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - Crowdmark Inc. , a Canadian education technology start-up, is positioned to save ...
2013-06-11 08:04:00
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