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Now that she has achieved tenure, there is more time to pursue her directorial dream ... obsession with a mysterious book and an equally mysterious and striking Indian woman. A seemingly crazy physicist and other dimensions also make an appearance.
2013-08-16 10:26:48
RSM's after-school math program has been developing excellence in mathematics and critical thinking skills since 1997. To register for a FREE math evaluation, visit
2013-08-16 04:22:00
Shot on the Berkeley campus earlier this year ... like the one that all Russians drink vodka,” she said. “Being a woman in mathematics, I have to deal with stereotypes so much, it is unbelievable.” She is one of only three tenured women ...
2013-08-16 05:51:26
Students in Green River continued to excel in mathematics while making improvements in reading according to the recent P.A.W.S. test results.
2013-08-16 01:45:10
Having all those papers to grade every day was getting to be too much." Albers is leaving his position at Lehman Catholic after 15 years at the school ... often than not that student could be found in Albers' room, working one last problem before the ...
2013-08-15 11:57:25
(Targeted News Service Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) ARNOLD AFB, Tenn., Aug. 15 -- The U.S. Air Force Arnold Air Force Base issued the following news release: Commentary by Jere Matty AEDC/PA As fall approaches, so does the new school year with ...
2013-08-15 05:01:54
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