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The Education Support Services Division of the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools will host a series of four workshops with nationally renowned experts on Common Core curriculum during the 2013-14 academic year.
2013-08-18 10:18:46
The fact is that whereas these mundane useful aspects of mathematics in science and technology are merely a trivial by-product ... colleges and universities of the J&K state. The good news is that the institute was recently inaugurated by the Hon’ble ...
2013-08-18 07:17:35
ORLANDO — They awoke before dawn for their flight, but a batch of lucky Bronx students were wide-eyed when they arrived at Universal Studios Orlando Sunday for a three-day trip courtesy of New York's Hometown Newspaper. The 15 boys from Urban ...
2013-08-18 04:37:00
But Associate Professor Hyde said the school was working to make the split even. "At the moment we are doing some planning to encourage more girls to register their interest in the school," she said. She said the Bedford Park-based school had a charter to ...
2013-08-17 11:53:36
I am sure the King’s College London free school will be a resounding success and ... For more information see
2013-08-18 03:04:22
Talented number-crunchers and those with a passion for Pythagoras are being encouraged to sign up for a dedicated new mathematics school that will lead the way in London.
2013-08-18 10:30:29
Last year 58.4% of maths entries were awarded at least a C, down 0.4% on the year before. Credit: Richard Pohle/The Times/PA Wire Too many children are taking maths GCSE early or multiple times because of a "target-driven culture" which ends up ...
2013-08-17 09:15:49
Sounding much like the chair of the math education department of the University ... What's more, "mathematical training," as the math department of the University of Arizona puts it, "is training in general problem solving."
2013-08-17 06:40:46
MANILA -- Four young Filipino students won medals in the recent 2013 China Girls' Mathematics Olympiad (CGMO) held in Zhejiang, China.
2013-08-18 12:34:48
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