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(Children love second opinions ... And that’s why they call it ‘the present.” SEND your questions to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to be answered with wit, wisdom and humor by ...
2013-08-07 07:20:27
Aug. 7, 2013 — One of the most basic and intensively studied processes in biology -- one which has been detailed in biology textbooks for decades -- has gained a new level of understanding, thanks to the application of simple math to a problem that ...
2013-08-07 08:43:16
City school district officials said they are developing a strategy to improve student performance after receiving the results for the new state assessment tests for grades 3-8. The school board will receive an in-depth report on the English Language Arts and mathematics exams test results when it holds a workshop meeting on Aug. 21 at Troy High School. The only group of its students at any grade ...
2013-08-08 12:24:35
The Philippines has defeated China, this time in a Math competition, in a recent global contest joined by some 1,300 students.
2013-08-08 03:45:15
“Capturing Minds by Capturing Hearts” gives teachers time-tested techniques to shape the next generation. (PRWeb August 07, 2013) Read the full story at
2013-08-07 11:14:15
500 mathematicians from around the world come in early August to Kraków for the 9th International ISAAC Congress. The congress (5-9 August) is organized by the Pedagogical University of Cracow in collaboration with the University of Rzeszów. The congress ...
2013-08-04 12:00:00
In this recent establishment of Institute of Mathematical Sciences is a great news for lovers of mathematics and allied sciences. IMS will help to connect us to heritage of AlKhawazimi and Omer Khayyam, of the unknown inventor of zero, or Hindu-Arabic ...
2013-08-07 08:14:29
The diversity of living forms led Darwin to state that it is “enough to drive the sanest man mad.” How can we describe this variety? How can we understand the origin and evolution of these “endless forms most beautiful?” And how do these forms link ...
2013-08-07 01:52:00
When I grew up, I spent 10 years working as a rocket scientist, and then changed fields ... science and a sense of hope?" I don't think that we need any more reason to do science than that. Who has had the most influence on your thinking as a researcher?
2013-08-07 12:31:00
Manila, Philippines --- To address the gap between skills of graduates and available jobs in the market, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) announced Wednesday an additional list of priority courses for college students.
2013-08-07 12:43:10
What's new on the app stores on Tuesday 10 April 2012 A selection of 30 new apps for you today: Minds of Modern Mathematics Once a fierce rival for Apple, IBM has now launched its first app for iOS. It's an app recreation of the 50-foot wall installation from a 1961 exhibition called Mathematica, which was sponsored by IBM. The idea: explore the history of maths, going back 1,000 years with ...
2013-08-07 10:00:04
Don’t limit yourselves to the stereotypes that the media has created for you. Don’t listen to what the outside world tells you football players are supposed to do. Aspire to something greater. -- John Urschel, July 25, Big Ten kickoff ...
2013-08-07 12:32:03
Kolkata, Aug 7 (IANS) Prabir Majumdar, a reputed mathematics teacher, died after he was run over by a bus on the city's Eastern Metropolitan Bypass here Wednesday, police said. Majumdar, who had been teaching in the city's famed South Point High ...
2013-08-07 01:42:38
Masta Killa and Mathematics liken the hip-hop icon to Bruce Lee
2013-08-07 08:59:26
Princeton’s new boarding school, the Princeton International School of Mathematics and Science (PRISMS), is getting ready for the start of its first semester at the site once occupied by the American Boychoir School on Lambert Drive, off Rosedale Road.
2013-08-07 06:50:53
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