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“What math league allows us to do is we can really use our brains instead of our bodies to compete, which is sort of a different game in itself,” said Emmett Demaynadier, a junior in his second year on the math team. “It’s annoying, especially for ...
2014-03-08 09:02:00
The South Carolina Governor's School for Science & Mathematics (GSSM) will honor Jim Barker, president emeritus of Clemson University, during the 22nd Annual Townes Award Dinner, 6:00 p.m., Monday, March 17, 2014, at the Columbia Marriott. James F.
2014-03-08 06:06:00
Grade 6 student John Henry Marquez of the University of the Philippines Integrated School in Quezon City aced the 2014 International Mathematics Assessments for Schools (IMAS) in Taiwan with a perfect score.
2014-03-08 12:38:06
Grange Technology College is a Community secondary School in South Bradford and part of the Southfield Grange Campus. It is currently over-subscribed (1876 (whole school) and 370 (post 16)) from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. The majority of ...
2014-03-07 09:13:00
The chemical messages in the DNA decide the form of the complete organism. In the case of Prof. C.S .Seshadri, one can say ... now a Professor of Mathematics at Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI). “Seshadri can listen to a question and quickly position ...
2014-03-08 12:58:00
One of the points of mathematics educationally is to introduce students to a subject in which precise thought exists. They are surrounded by a world of baloney versions of science. Mathematics is where they find out that really precise thought ...
2014-03-07 11:02:00
NEW YORK — Antarctica may be the last place one would expect to find a mathematician, but Ken Golden isn't your average mathematician. Golden, a mathematician at the University of Utah, is using math to model the melting of the polar ice caps.
2014-03-07 09:44:00
Math-oriented professions tend to be higher-paying ... Meanwhile, in countries that we usually think of as more progressive, like Belgium and Switzerland, women are far more likely to go into fields like education, health, and the humanities.
2014-03-07 08:35:00
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