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NOT a few Nigerians have expressed their shock at the performance of candidates in the recently released West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). For the third consecutive year, even by statistics provided by the examination body itself ...
2014-08-27 11:00:00
I dropped mathematics after Class 10 and that, I think, has been one of the easiest decisions I’ve ever made. While I scored about 85 in most other subjects, I always managed only 60 in maths. The formulas continue to scare me even today and the ...
2014-08-27 12:41:00
BANGALORE: The Mathematics Association of Christ University (MACU) recently conducted Convergence, the annual inter-collegiate Mathematical fest. The objective was to give opportunities to young mathematicians to showcase their talent through different ...
2014-08-27 01:20:00
As the dust settled on Manjul Bhargava and his Fields Medal, another interesting piece of news emerged from the International Mathematical Union (IMU) meeting in Seoul. It had actually been announced along with the Fields Medals, but the news had got lost ...
2014-08-27 01:31:00
For the third year in a row, the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science has been named one of the best high schools in America.
2014-08-27 01:23:46
Anthony Cheung’s formal mathematical training essentially ended with high school calculus. But as a musician and composer, he has explored mathematical phenomena in new ways, especially through their influence on harmony and timbre. Composers found new ...
2014-08-27 07:43:00
Student achievement improved during 2013-2014 on challenging mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL) tests first introduced three years ago, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) reported today.
2014-08-27 09:04:04
Researchers in a latest study have solved the mystery behind how sheepdogs carry out their job so perfectly. The researchers said that this research can be very helpful to develop "shepherd robots" that can help control a crowd or can even be used for ...
2014-08-27 01:09:00
RICHMOND -- Students in Virginia scored higher on SOL math tests, but scores for reading and writing stayed flat during 2013-2014 year, according to data released from the Virginia Department of Education on Wednesday. The new online mathematics SOL tests were first introduced three years ago as part of an effort to better prepare students for success in college and the work force. The tests ...
2014-08-27 10:15:36
Spirit of Math Schools Encourages Educators and Parents to Embrace Math Drills
2014-08-27 07:30:00
Jabari walked away with 10 distinctions in mathematics, English A, English B, physics, chemistry, information technology, technical drawing, geography, additional mathematics and Spanish. The brilliant teen also obtained a distinction in CAPE Pure ...
2014-08-26 10:05:00
The NSW Liberal Party's casualty ward - otherwise known as the crossbench of the NSW Parliament - is filling up fast. Bart Bassett's announcement on Wednesday brings to nine the number of MPs who have stood aside from the parliamentary party pending the ...
2014-08-26 10:14:00
Sheepdogs think algorithmically. Using just two fundamental rules, the dogs analyze the state of a given herd and determine the best action to take among a limited set of possibilities. The resulting effectiveness is so astounding that a description of ...
2014-08-26 10:12:00
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