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Art and mathematics might not be the most obvious pairing, but a new series of sculptures that use the Fibonacci sequence to give the illusion of moving hit the jackpot. The mesmerizing pieces are 3D printed and feature a variety of geometric designs. When spun under a strobe light (the rotation speed is timed so that each flash occurs when the piece turns 137.5 degrees) the sculptures become ...
2015-01-20 09:10:17
Columbia, SC - South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics (GSSM) senior Jack Runge, son of Charles & Luanne Runge of Greenville, is one of 300 U.S. high school students, and the only student from South Carolina, to be named a semifinalist ...
2015-01-19 11:42:00
The differences can’t be chalked up to mere quirks: in some fields, notably mathematics and science, women face barriers that do not seem to limit men in the same way. A study published on January 16 in Science suggests that one hurdle may stem from ...
2015-01-20 01:19:00
One of the solutions to this numeracy problem could be the implementation of Vedic Mathematics. The Indian system of Vedic Mathematics could help make maths a more engaging subject. Vedic Mathematics is a method of speed calculation developed by the Indian ...
2015-01-20 01:02:00
For example, in a pre-kindergarten classroom, a teacher might integrate mathematics and music by teaching number sense and steady beat together so that learning in one subject enhances learning in the other. "Early childhood is the critical time for ...
2015-01-20 01:19:00
Careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics are projected to grow at a rate 1.7 times faster than non-STEM fields between the years of 2008 and 2018, according to a recent WalletHub st
2015-01-20 06:25:39
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