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RIVERSIDE – Eleven engineering students from UCR’s Bourns College of Engineering were recently invited to attend the 11th annual Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Student Leadership conference in San Diego. The invitation-only event ...
2015-01-07 09:45:00
( American Mathematical Society ) Silver was chosen for 'his award-winning website, his New York Times bestseller, The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail--but Some Don't, and a host of other ways in which he has helped the public to better understand the world through sound and innovative use of statistics and extraordinarily lucid explanations of his work.'
2015-01-07 03:41:47
Vedic mathematics, a set of supposedly ancient techniques that help even the most numerically challenged to conquer difficult sums, is surging in popularity in India
2015-01-07 02:35:35
Young achiever Professor of Mathematics in Princeton University, USA, Dr. Manjul Bhargava, spoke about interesting methods of teaching Mathematics using the rhymes and rhythms of Sanskrit shlokas. ‘Bharat Ko Maano’ session that focused on innovations ...
2015-01-07 01:17:00
Vedic mathematics is already recognised the world over for its accuracy and simplicity, he claimed.He also called for interaction between the scientist community and the general public. Apart from working on cutting-edge technologies, scientists should ...
2015-01-07 02:53:00
Nearly 30 kids of the school participated in the event held in the presence of Andhra University Vice-Chancellor Professor G S N Raju, Visakhapatnam Bar Association President N Prithi Raj, Andhra University’s Head of the Department of Mathematics ...
2015-01-07 03:01:00
Origami is the ancient Japanese art of paper folding. One uncut square of paper can, in the hands of an origami artist, be folded into a bird, a frog, a sailboat, or a Japanese samurai helmet beetle. Origami can be extraordinarily complicated and intricate.
2015-01-07 06:27:42
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