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Yaroslav Sergeyev has invented a new kind of arithmetic and patented the "infinity computer" in the U.S. and Europe. Yaroslav Sergeyev: "Traditional mathematical analysis teaches that infinity minus infinity is a vague form. Accordingly, all automatic ...
2015-01-29 06:21:00
part of a primitive number system that underlies humans’ capacity for higher mathematics. Now a team of Italian researchers has found that newborn chicks, like humans, appear to map numbers spatially, associating smaller amounts with the left side and ...
2015-01-29 02:34:00
Mary Anne Rossbach, a teacher at Sunrise Valley Elementary School in Reston, has been named the 2015 William C. Lowry Mathematics Educator of the Year for the Elementary School Level by the Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics (VCTM), according to a ...
2015-01-29 07:09:00
Funded by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, it conducts research in Statistics, Game Theory, Graph Theory, Logic, Cryptogaphy, Physics and Mathematics. ISI offers a Master’s programme in Statistics and Doctoral ...
2015-01-29 07:46:00
The designer merged two paraboloids “into a single surface that serves as seating, backrest, and armrest supported by a lightweight frame. The outcome is a highly sculptural chair seen as an open mesh that allows light and space to flow through — a ...
2015-01-29 08:19:00
"Yeah, I’m surprised to be in love. Lot of reasons. I’m self-proclaimed bad at mathematics but I can do two plus two: [54] years old plus finally beginning to figure out why you haven’t been happy in a single relationship? It could seem too late," he ...
2015-01-29 09:55:00
In that year Warade had performed exceedingly well at the National Mathematics Talent Competition (NMTC). NMTC is a prestigious competition organized by the Association of Mathematics Teachers of India (AMTI) to identify and foster extraordinary talent in ...
2015-01-29 08:56:00
Computer simulations of tumor behavior are generating new research insights -- and could lead to personalized therapies.
2015-01-29 12:58:24
6:30 p.m. • A rally to call for the release of grand jury minutes in the Eric Garner case marches from the ferry terminal in Staten Island to the 120th Precinct station house starting at 9 a.m. • The National Museum of Mathematics is free from 2 to 7 p ...
2015-01-29 01:29:00
Paper Peek covers Science and Mathematics for the 1st and 2nd terms for Class 9 and 10 and is designed according to the CBSE syllabus. The series will be spread over 36 episodes. "These 30-minute episodes are specially designed and developed by our ...
2015-01-28 10:17:00
Importance of chapters. Type of questions asked. Trend of the papers. Following post analyses the mathematics section of previous year JEE Main question paper. With the help of the analysis candidates can get the rough idea of JEE Main question paper.
2015-01-28 09:14:00
Parents of students at Howard University Middle School of Mathematics and Science (MS)² in D.C. are speaking out after teachers were fired for allegedly teaching African-American history. According to ABC 7, parents attended the charter school with their ...
2015-01-29 02:02:00
Other finalists included radiologic technology instructor Nikki Gilbert and mathematics instructor Jeffrey Schrader. Tetzlaff thanked all those involved for the award, and discussed how he came to teach at a technical college. “It really starts way ...
2015-01-29 02:28:00
Why does this happen? Why do even well educated people understand so little about mathematics, resulting in innumeracy or the inability of people to understand numbers, statistics and probabilities? Our inability to deal rationally with very large numbers ...
2015-01-28 11:59:00
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