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An associate professor in the faculty of education at Queen's University in Canada, Lynda Colgan, mentioned, “The anxiety around mathematics is unbelievable among parents, because they see the math their children are doing in schools as being so ...
2015-06-15 11:26:00
More than 25,000 students from all over Australia competed to join teams for the Science and Mathematics Olympiads and this year more girls and students from regional and disadvantaged schools have won places. The science of success: year 12 students Liam ...
2015-06-14 03:16:00
The exams for Mathematics General 2, Mathematics ('2 Unit') and Mathematics Extension 1, are based mainly on the respective HSC courses. Think in terms of 'minutes per mark' – and be ready to move on if you are stuck on a question for more time than it ...
2015-06-13 08:00:00
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