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Can you define the much dreaded subject called mathematics? The subject called mathematics is difficult to define. Mathematicians don't even agree on correct or adequate definition of the subject. But it is a body of knowledge that deals with computation ...
2015-06-03 08:04:00
It's a scandal, nothing less. Here, in the backyard of one of the top mathematics universities in the world; here, in a part of the country that prides itself on its technology sector; here, our elementary schoolchildren have shockingly bad math scores.
2015-06-03 11:14:00
And that’s what a lot of that discovery stuff does; their working memory gets overloaded, they’re confused,” said the report’s author, Anna Stokke, an associate professor in the University of Winnipeg’s department of mathematics and statistics.
2015-06-03 09:14:00
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