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There are three ways that this question is different from conventional questions. First, it focuses on two aspect of mathematics together, time and angles. Contrasting two concepts helps students see connections and move beyond approaching mathematics as a ...
2015-07-16 02:01:00
Prof Sam Ale is the former Director-General, National Mathematical Centre. He said there's need for every country and individual to have a good knowledge of mathematics because it holds the secret of advancement. After your tenure as Director-General of ...
2015-07-16 12:36:00
Recent figures on mathematics in schools show that poor South African pupils might face a bleak future because the country’s education system is still not treating them equally, according to Equal Education. Figures in a Parliamentary response by Basic ...
2015-07-16 02:14:00
Attending a mathematics seminar in UCD recently, I could understand hardly a word. The problem lay not with the arcane mathematics but with the room’s poor acoustics. The lecturer spoke so rapidly that reverberation reduced his words to an indecipherable ...
2015-07-15 07:14:00
Talk about geek fashion. “If you love mathematics, or computer science, or if you love textile design, a KnitYak scarf is for you,” says Serriere in a Kickstarter campaign that’s hit about half of its goal to date. She adds: “Your scarf is a ...
2015-07-15 09:33:00
The Democratic Alliance (DA) says that as many as one-in-four South African schools do not offer mathematics in grades 10, 11 or 12. A reply to a parliamentary question detailing the current state of mathematics study in South African schools, revealed ...
2015-07-16 06:14:00
You don’t need knowledge of higher mathematics such as calculus, but the questions are designed to deceive. No calculators are allowed. On Wednesday more than 570 teenagers from as far afield as Afghanistan and Ecuador stood around in groups relaxing ...
2015-07-15 12:41:00
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