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News West Australian students tackling complex mathematics will get ATAR bonuses support former WA chief scientist Lyn Beazley's statement that mathematics to Year 12 should be compulsory. From next year, students enrolled in the medium and high level ...
2016-04-13 11:32:00
The move comes after a big fall in Year 12s enrolled in the more difficult maths subjects of Mathematics Methods (intermediate) and Mathematics Specialist (highest level), which were introduced this year. In the past, increments had been added to maths ...
2016-04-13 05:19:00
Our finances — from calculating interest rates to predicting pension requirements — all depend on a solid understanding of mathematics. It is impossible to thrive in today’s society without mathematics. To be innumerate is to be disenfranchised.
2016-04-14 03:32:00
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