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But recognizing the limits of mathematics blends well with Austrian economic theory, which emphasizes the role of subjectivity and is highly skeptical about the extreme pervasiveness of mathematical modeling in economics curricula. For Poythress (see his ...
2016-04-25 10:13:00
H. Hardy, who lamented, in his 1940 memoir, “A Mathematician’s Apology” (published when he was in his early 60s, and still widely extolled as the definitive look into a mathematician’s soul), that “mathematics, more than any other art or science ...
2016-04-25 03:58:00
A new study has found that more girls experience negative emotions about mathematics that results in “mathematics anxiety.” But researchers at the University of Missouri, the University of California-Irvine and the University of Glasgow in Scotland ...
2016-04-24 09:48:00
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